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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi, Before they launched 1.05 and ruined all my saves I did find fix to this problem. I installed active texture management in the aggressive version and virtually all of the bugs went away. The game runs smoother and can run for well up to 3650M of ram which was impressive to me since I only have 4G of ram.
  2. good call gaarst, it is the same problem we are suffering. Getting more suspicious that this is not a MOD issue.
  3. I am having all of these bugs as well. I have restarted my game twice and reinstalled twice to fix this bug issue which makes the game very short and realistically only playable when I have nothing in flight. Having seen this happening now for the third time I am really pissed, but KPS is such a good game that I am hoping for a fix. Here is what happens: I install the game fresh, clean out any old saves and ships just to be sure they don't mess it up. I reinstall CKAN. Before ever opening KPS I install the mods that I want and don't change them after that. I use about 20 mods, only more common ones that have been around for a long time. I then play normally. Every flight I launch, whether it be a probe or a massive station causes the game to have more of these glitches and of worsening intensity the more I play it. The glitches are that when I go to launch I often get a frozen screen which is either totally black with some weird graphics effects on the screen like clouds, or it looks like the space center with no ground, like it's floating in space. If the game doesn't crash at this point I just continue playing. The next problem I have seems to be after I save my game following a successful flight and go to the tracking station. The tracking station becomes progressively less functional the longer I play. It starts with the left menu not having any flights in it. If it shows flights and I click on one and click fly it focuses on KERBIN and then I cannot do anything, not even exit the tracking station forcing me to quit the game or find a mod workaround. I have had the same problem with the VAB not showing any parts, but I found that exiting and reentering it refreshes this. In the SPH I cannot load or save ANY vessel. These functions seem totally broken. In my most recent game I have 8 flights and when I enter the tracking station if I click on a flight it says focus kerbin and then shows a black screen, not kerbin. On a couple of occasions it has said focus:Sun and then shows the sun. For me that is about it. My biggest grievances are that I am nervous to try launching anything because it causes the game to crash even if the flight is only 35 parts, and that the tracking station becomes less functional the longer I play. I mean ..., the whole point of the tracking station is to TRACK your progess, but if I can't even go to look at a satellite which I launched to an asteroid (extremely challenging btw) than where is the fun in that? Since the problems have to do with the tracking station I kind of think it is NOT a mod issue and is a 1.0 issue. Before 1.0 I didn't have these problems. As it is now I can launch only 2 flights with none of these bugs. So it is like playing a new game every day. Which would be amazing if I was Leonard Shelby. (high five to anyone who gets this referene without googing) and here is a modlist, sorry I forgot to add it when I replied: active texture managment - basic adjustable landing gear animate emissive module bahamuto animation modules communitry resource pack community tech tree dated quicksaves ESLD Jump Beacons Extraplanetary launchpad simplifier Extraplanetary launchpads Firespitter core impossible innovations interstellar fuel switch core Kerbal attachment system Kerbal inventory system Kerbal planetary base systems KW ockety KW rocketry - community fixes Magicore mechjeb 2 module manager Module Rcsfx near future construction near future electrical near future electrical core near future IVA props near future propulsion near future propulsion extras: reduced thrust Near future solar near future spacecraft parts quickexit quickgoto quickrevert quickscroll quicksearch quickstart station science stock clamshell fairings stockalike station parts expansion tweakscale USI exploration pack USI freight transport technologies USI kolonization USI tools
  4. Gaarst, can you please simplify how you fixed it for me? it is a problem with your save files, but what did you do to fix it?
  5. I am having all of these bugs as well. I have found some workarounds using the 'Quick' mods. Which are a group of mods that allow you to move to view the TS or VAB from anywhere. However they are really frustrating and have caused me other problems that are ruining the game for me.
  6. The same thing is happening to me. I had to fully reinstall KPS and CKAN and now I cant access the kolonization tab.
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