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  1. Looks good to me, though if this is the only case where you add gimbal range only solid fuel boosters will have additional/new gimballing.
  2. Unfortunately not, the stock gimbal module doesn't have a parameter to toggle the gimbal lock.
  3. I think when I moved the mods to spacedock I didn't include the forum link because I hadn't bothered to fix the formatting, fixed both now.
  4. Gimbal For All Gimbal For All adds one degree of gimballing to all engines, from launch escape systems and SRBs to xenon engines. No more out of control ships you forgot to put reaction wheels/RCS on! Plus it will make gravity turns easier. Note that in order for the newly gimballed engines to have less control than engines with vectoring by default, it also adds a degree of gimbal to already vectoring engines. You can edit the config file to tweak this to your desired rates. It is compatible with all mods adding engines using the default engine module. Requires ModuleManager (Not included). Download: Spacedock Alternators For All Adds one electric charge per second alternators to all liquid fuel engines. Includes optional config files to add alternators to solid fuel engines or monopropellant engines. Perfect for small probes without other power generation capabilities. Does not effect xenon engines or engines with modded fuels. Is compatible with any mod adding engines using the default engine module. Requires ModuleManager (not included). Download: Spacedock License Licenced as public domain.
  5. Thanks for the update, I was having real trouble with explosions... I'm astounded that something as amazingly useful as this exists, so thanks!
  6. You can currently enter negative values for loan amounts. I ran timewarp for a while and I think it processes it like you would expect a normal loan to, e.g. doesn't end early/pays out positive returns. Is this intentional?
  7. I adore this mod, but it recently came to me that a part to activate action groups when you enter/exit direct sunlight would be amazing for night-time only lights, keeping control of probes with scarce electriccharge at night and retracting useless solar panels.
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