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Article Comments posted by swjr-swis

  1. 11 minutes ago, basic.syntax said:

    I'd like to ask generally, why does high crash tolerance exist for larger engines.

    Wouldn't mind seeing this corrected as you mention... but only after we get landing legs that work like they're not composed entirely out of nitroglycerine, and a few sets of legs large enough to use safely with the larger engines and cross-sections.

  2. 1 hour ago, TheDestroyer111 said:

    Why does the bug tracker require my first and last names to register an account? It doesn't seem like they are shared publically, but I want to know what they are used for.

    Sometimes, really good bug hunters/reporters are made part of the KSP team. To be able to let the rest of us know about their work in the weekly dev notes, they need a first name to go with the nick. The last name is used in the farewell message when people leave the team. So nothing nefarious, you can breathe easy.

    Just be glad they don't ask for middle names. I always knew I was in actual trouble whenever I was called by my middle name (or worse, all of them, very precisely pronunciated... often the first sign that I done messed up real bad :D).

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