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Everything posted by aznelec

  1. When mounting my rover to a larger craft, I'm stacking small stack separators and reducing their force to zero. This causes them to collapse and give way, so the rover can drive off the pad. The issue is when I add a part below the pad the rover is mounted to. In the following video, I show 3 steps, the last is where the break occurs: WORKS: Mount the rover to a 2x2 plate using stack separators (with force turned all the way down) and struts. WORKS: Add a second 2x2 plate underneath the first. BROKEN: Replace the second 2x2 plate with a heat shield. You'll notice in the third step that the shocks on the wheels appear to "break" (although the part says its operating normally), and the rover cannot be driven off the pad. I've confirmed this issue occurs when adding heat shields, stack decouplers, and fairing bases below the first 2x2 grid. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
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