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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I have this problem every time I fresh install RVE. Here's how I solve it: 1. Alt+E menu 2.TerrainManager tab 3.Check terrainmaterial and ocean material color values, one of them is probably 256, change this value (along with any other that is over 255) to 255 4.Apply 5.City Lights manager tab > Apply That should fix it.
  2. Here's an album for you. Looks amazing, my only issue is the ground texture when up close at KSC, it's super low res (visible in the first screenshot), which doesn't bother me because it looks good as soon as I'm over a kilometer away (which I am %99 of the time anyway). But I've noticed everyone else in this thread has a higher res ground up close. The city/lights texture looks fine, it's just the terrain, which makes me think I must've done something wrong, but I'm still very happy with it.
  3. I got it working, installing scatterer manually instead of via CKAN fixed it. Thanks again, looks fantastic.
  4. Yeah, I could do that, but it would inevitably lose the heading no matter how careful I am with the controls. I can get close on my own (<.2 degrees of inclination), but I'm looking to get Mechjeb close, while still manually controlling the ascent trajectory (because I've found I'm better at that part than Mechjeb in RSS). If it's not possible I wouldn't be surprised, I just wanted to know if I had overlooked a setting or something.
  5. Having the same issue hear JordanL. I'm glad you said something I was about to tear my hair out thinking I somehow broke my CKAN install (I'm a linux noob, I'm always breaking stuff).
  6. I'm playing in RSS with Realism Overhaul, so avoiding inclination correction burns is ideal wherever possible. I've figured out how to find the ascent heading to match a target inclination, but it's difficult to follow that EXACT heading through the whole ascent manually. I'd like to get perfect inclinations, especially because I'm about to set up my Remotetech network for Earth. I have Mechjeb, FAR, KOS, etc. (and will get whatever else is necessary, but can't figure out how to use any of these to force my ship to follow a heading, without ALSO controlling the pitch of my ship (which I'd like myself and gravity to do on our own). I think I'm missing a really basic setting somewhere in one of these autopilots, but I've looked everywhere and done a lot of searches without any success, any help is appreciated.
  7. Hi Pingopete, great mod, thanks a ton for doing this. I'm currently experiencing the bug you refer to in this post, where once I reach 'scaled space' the land masses disappear and the whole planet looks like one big ocean. I tried the solution you referred to about the RSS name config but couldn't get that to work. Can you elaborate on how you solved this for me? Again, the mod is unbelievable, with the exception of this bug it's been fantastic.
  8. Well, if he wants to get it precise he should shoot for ~23 hours, 56 minutes (plus a couple seconds) for his orbital period. Earth's sidereal day isn't an exact 24 hours, hence leap years. (this was dumb, and super wrong) It's obviously pretty insignificant, but when I'm setting up my satellite network I try to get it as close as possible. Once you get close you can start doing your maneuvering using your RCS, which don't require ignitions, and shouldn't be too strong to overshoot your target orbit changes.
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