The first components of my Modular Mun Base, I've since discovered that I will not be needing a seperate power module, at least on the Mun. When I pack this base up and take it out further into the solar system, I may need additional power. The broken (but repairable) remains of my first refueling truck. I realized after I landed it that I had no (easy) way to refuel my space tug's monopropellant. So a new fuel truck is en route. In the background I've got my space tug ready to take a badly designed mining module back to Kerbin; I placed the drills far too low, and when loading any craft attached to that bad module when it's drills are deployed, it seems to register an impact, and launches itself up into the air, that's how my fuel truck became damaged. I plan to land it to try to recover some funds from the parts. More modules to add to my Mun base, assembled, ready for Trans-Mun Injection (Is that correct name for the type of burn needed to leave stable LKO headed for an encounter with the Mun?) Also, this is my first attempt to have a modual with an upward facing copola module, so I figured I'd land it upside-down, and then (hopefully) rotate itself right-side up. It has the torque and force to do it on Kerbin, but it damages the legs, so I think it should be able to do it easily on the Mun and most other planet and moon bodies. The assembly mid burn; burns take a while at only 1.48m/s acceleration. The pictures are slightly out of order. These two mining modules I'm landing in this photo are actually the same as the two from the first photo. Note: after many failed attempts and many, many reloads, I've discovered while it is possible to land an assembly with only 1.2:1 or 1.5:1 Surface TWR, it is far too difficult for me. I've since split up my module delivery's to allow me to have at least a Surface TWR of 2.5:1 I do have another tug in the works, similar in design to the one shown, but with four LV-N's instead of two, but I'm not sure if I can afford to launch it yet; I am playing easy career mode. FYI: I've copied and then modified some of the fuel tanks. All of my modular assemblies are currently equipped to need only Liquid fuel and Monopropellant, and I didnt want to lug around empty Ox tanks, so in the copied files, I changed the .CFG files so they only contain Liquid fuel, but at the sum quantity of whatever each tank could have held of both Ox and Liquid. The Tug has only Liquid fuel tanks, and the structural part of each modular part of this base is a liquid only tank.