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    Simple Space Nerd
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    USA Baby
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    Gardening, Guitar, Working out, Playing with my cat
  1. So a buddy of mine and I were talking about science fiction films last night and we got into a discussion about the ending of Interstellar. He said that one theory that was put forth by people was that when Cooper fell into Gargantua, he actually died. The reasoning I've heard was that one of the film's major themes was Cooper's relationship with his children and that, during his brawl with Dr. Mann, a major point was Mann's comment on how before people die, the last thing they see is their children. I guess the theory was building off how the ending could appear as if Cooper is going through what his mind wants to see before he dies...his children and their survival. It's not something I generally accept as an ending but I was just wondering if anyone else had any thoughts on the matter.
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