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Everything posted by Patata

  1. Ich möchte die Entwickler über einen Bug informieren (außer ich hab das wo überlesen, dann tut es mir leid!^^) Ich hatte sowohl den Deutsch Patch Mod installiert als auch die Science Station Mod. Das Problem/der Bug war, dass ich zwar alle Forderungen erfüllt hatte, um das erste Experiment (Experiment: Plant Growth) starten konnte (Labor mit Modul verbunden, Wissenschaftler in Labor stationiert), aber nicht beim Labor beim Kontextmenü (also rechts-klick auf Labor) "Start Research" auswählen konnte. Die Löschung des "Deutsch Patch" und des "Language Package" hat dieses Problem aufgehoben. Vielleicht kann sich das ja einer genauer anschauen von den Entwicklern hier! Hier der Thread der mein Problem ganz genau (auf Englisch halt) beschreibt: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137410-Science-Station-Mod-Experiment-Plant-Growth Hier der Thread (Seite 100, Post 998) bei der Science Station Mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54774-1-0-4-Station-Science-%28v1-5%29/page100
  2. Hello! I might have found a new bug, at least, I couldn't find anything on the internet and I have already posted my problem in this forum (in general add-on affairs), where I got adviced to post my problem here. Here is the link to the thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137410-Science-Station-Mod-Experiment-Plant-Growth Short conclusion: If I want to start the Experiment: Plant Growth, I have to click on "Start Research" at the lab, right? The Problem is, that I get the message "no scientists", even I have 4 scientists stationed in the lab. I have fullfilled every other requirement to complete the experiment. Edit: I have these mods installed: - Deutsch Patch - MechJeb 2 - Greenhouse Mk1-master - Kerbal Alarm Clock_3.4.0.0 - KSPI_Extended_1.5.13 - ModuleManager-2.6.8 - Planetary Base Inc 0_2_7b - Station Science 1.5 - TAC Life Support_0.11.1.20 - TACLS Mining Edit: Problem solved: I have to delete the "Deutsch Patch" and the "Language Package" (which comes with the "Deutsch Patch"), then, the lab says "100% functional". Funny that this caused the problem.
  3. The Lab says "inactive": http://fs5.directupload.net/images/151024/nkkek3mj.jpg In the Austronaut Complex is also everything fine: http://fs5.directupload.net/images/151024/je5qp9ph.jpg That stands in the window when I click on "Start research" at the lab: http://fs5.directupload.net/images/151024/4leqr2f8.jpg Do I have a bug...? /: Edit: I have these mods installed: - Deutsch Patch - MechJeb 2 - Greenhouse Mk1-master - Kerbal Alarm Clock_3.4.0.0 - KSPI_Extended_1.5.13 - ModuleManager-2.6.8 - Planetary Base Inc 0_2_7b - Station Science 1.5 - TAC Life Support_0.11.1.20 - TACLS Mining Edit: Problem solved: I have to delete the "Deutsch Patch" and the "Language Package" (which comes with the "Deutsch Patch"), then, the lab says "100% functional". Funny that this caused the problem. I will write it in the Science Station Thread and in the German Patch thread so they know the issue! Nevertheless, thank you to all of you for your help! I am very happy to be a part of this forum
  4. Ok, then there is my actually problem: The lab tells me, that I have no scientists, when I want to click on "Start Research", but they are all stationed in the lab. The same "error message" comes when I use the normal stick-lab, so I guess the error message is not caused by the mod...!? Thank you for the video, I will be watching it!
  5. Glad to hear, thank you If something is unclear, just say it and I will try to describe it more precisely.
  6. Thank you, I didn't know where exactly I should post my problem! Here is a picture of my spaceship with the lab: http://fs5.directupload.net/images/151020/s2bqzb8w.jpg OT: Whenever I say "Reply", I still get the message that a moderator has to identify me, but the text disappears too fast so I can't read it completely.
  7. Hello there! I have downloaded the "Science Station" mod and installed it without problems, so far so good. I accept the Contract, to perform the Experiment "Plant Growth in Orbit around Kerbin". I have now built a space station with the module "Experiment: Plant Growth" and the TH-NKR Research Lab. In the Lab are 4 Scientists stationed. I can do a right-click on the Experiment: Plant Growth module and click on "Start Experiment" - but nothing is happening. I have after 22 Days in Orbit still 00.00/50.00 Eurekas. Excuse me please for my bad english, it is not my mothers tongue^^ P.s.: Special thanks to Red Iron Crown, who solved my problem about my account activation!
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