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Everything posted by Gevo

  1. They will fly with just a couple at those weights, but when you're applying thrust you have to start at zero and ease it up until it starts moving and then back right off. Also gotta be creative on your bottom stage design so as to distribute all the weight.
  2. I actually modded the fuel capacity and masses of your 3m tank and the other 2m tank to what I felt was in line with your tall 1m tank... 47.25 mass 24k fuel 9.6 dry mass and in the 2m tank 21 mass 5k fuel 2.4 dry mass it can be a pain in the ass to get them moving, and can take quite a lot of thrust with the radial coupler to strap more engines to the fuel tanks and lift them you can get the necessary thrust to lift a 3m+2m and pod+other stuff into escape velocities, but its slow and delicate, and you can't really stack them I like the way it plays though as with your 1.08 pack your tall 1m tank is just amazing that your 3m and the other 2m feel useless would be nice if it played better in KSP though
  3. Can you make LT-40 and LT-41 coupler (guessing that's what you would name it...) just a LT-30+LT-31 combined? Actually I guess it might be a LT-50/51
  4. It still happens, it flails around like an elephant trunk when using RCS.
  5. I had an interesting problem with this part: as they say a picture is worth a thousand words, I'm not sure why it did this but it was the OPA / Fuel tank that was causing it when using Sunday Punch's RCS. Jeb still gives no fucks even when he can see the rear of the spaceship out the front windows.
  6. First, thanks for all the parts they are truly great and I love the escape module. Second, to those having problems with RCS+Pod you can use the tri parachute mod in this very forum Mk 16-3, it has enough drag to stop the escape module, pod and RCS without exploding. I really enjoy the escape module... It is fun when your rocket goes up in a huge inferno and you manage to save them with quick reactions.
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