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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks ANWRocketMan, I'll give that a shot. I noticed turning the texture quality down and limiting debris a great deal helped stave off crashes a bit.
  2. Do mods have such a huge effect on memory usage? What kind of mods take up the most memory? I've tried pulling out parts I don't use or mods that aren't crucial but it doesn't seem to save any memory. It seems like parts would take up the most memory but this doesn't seem to be the case. Is Squad working on an x64 version for Windows? I tried a USB bootable Linux Mint but getting Nvidia drivers to work was akin to beating my head against a brick wall. Do other distributions make it easier? Thanks for those posting help and tips.
  3. Almost 50 flights, but most are Remotetech satellites so they don't have many parts, maybe 20 or so. Maybe debris is taking up a lot of memory? Is there a way I can clear out that? I'm downloading Linux Mint right now and will try the flash drive thing if I can't get Windows going.
  4. Bumping this with my own problems - RAM usage just gets to the point where my game crashes after changing screen a few times (KSC to Tracking station, or VAB to Launch, etc); it eats a little bit more RAM each time. It's gotten to the point where I can't load the game, open the tracking center, and switch crafts a couple of times before it crashes. KSP takes only 2.6 GB of RAM when loaded, but after I load my career save it jumps to 3.35 GB. Loading a craft and launching jumps to over 3.6GB; the next screen change will lead to 3.7GB and a crash. Interestingly, if I run a new sandbox game or something of the sort I it takes considerably less RAM and I can play for much longer before it crashes. ATM didn't help, and OpenGL causes that bug where the camera is zoomed in close right next to the VAB and you can't click any of the buildings (and also doesn't help). I'm considering going to Linux Mint but would really like to make that a last resort - I don't want to have to run another OS just to play my game, and getting Linux to work is an exercise in frustration. Any help is appreciated. CPU Core i7 3770, 3.4 GHz RAM 16 GB Video GTX 950 OS Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
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