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Everything posted by gfrodo

  1. finally, I have a place to host my modified version of Meithans webapp. It has the new vector engine, a few options for the ion drive including fuel cells and some new diagram types (highly experimental). http://firesurfer.de/gfrodo/ksp/engines/engines.html You can use the webapp like before or try the new features, the new plots use the existing form inputs with a slightly different meaning, e.g. the Atmosphere input is for the x axis scaling and should not be 0 to see something. Unfortunatly, I have very little free time right now, but I think, it is better than nothing. Maybe you can get some inspirations for your own tool, Teilnehmer.
  2. Hi Meithan, that sounds great. I think when we work together on this, we can get the most out of it, even if one of us has little time.
  3. Hello Meithan, first of all: Thank you for such a great and usefull tool! I like to play around with the math behind KSP, too (sometimes it distracts me from playing the game itself), so I grabbed the source of your webapp, learnt some HTML5 and experimented with it. I have a personal wishlist of features I miss in this app, some are already mentioned in this thread, but I thought, why don't implement them yourself? So here are the points I have implemented so far: For the general comparison of the engines a few diagrams engine TWR over atm engine Thrust over atm engine ISP over atm [*]An option to allow or disallow the calculation of single radial mounted engines like the Mk-55 Thud [*]An improved version of the Isp calculation with regard to the tangents of the spline interpolation (the aerospike engine cfg file has those tangents explicitly set to a different value than the default ones) [*]some little bootstrap style tweaks, if you view the webapp on an smartphone or a very small browser window, the engine selection columns are not listed in an long list between the chart parameters and the chart anymore, but in a table like on bigger screens Not every detail is finished, for example the dragging and zooming in the new diagrams dont work, I hacked it somewhere in code from the existent chart (with other units on the x and y axis), but its in a state where you can see what it should do and has its core functionality working Some diagrams and features I didn't implemented yet, but I intend to do are: the ion-engine/fuel cell combination with discrete number of engines and cells a few more diagrams or heightmap charts, like max asymptotic deltav over min TWR (fix atm) or over atm (fix min TWR) maybe solid Rocket boosters, although they need a different calculation concept (the amount of solid fuel is variable, but has a maximum per engine) whatever comes to my mind I'm not sure how to publish the results I have so far, they are to much modifications and the whole sourcecode is to big to embed it here, maybe you can publish his code on a github project, where i can fork/commit my changes to it, or I send you the file per mail and you merge the changes you like into your own website, or just looking at the ideas and coding it yourself.
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