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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Exactly. I backed up my install and I'll play from that for the time being until all the mods are updated.
  2. Are you using KW Rocketry? I believe there's some issues.
  3. It's not so much the size of it, it's the fact that it looks terrible because of the low detail. It looks like a smaller texture that's been stretched too much. If it was remade at a bit more of a higher res, and the in orbit version was toned down massively in size it'd be fine. It makes it hard to look at the map properly.
  4. Same here with my game. I've found no way of fixing it. It's marginally less annoying if you stick with the stock sun though. Less lens flare.
  5. Those look normal to me. Usually if something's going massively wrong it throws loads of exceptions, not just one or two. Can you launch your game to the same screen, then upload the contents of your KSP.log to pastebin? It might show something. I'm leaning towards a texture issue though. What size textures did you install from CKAN? Try deleting them out of your Gamedata folder and installing them manually from https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures.
  6. I've no idea then. They're the only two things I've come across that cause everything to go pink. Have you a look through your ksp.log or used Exception Detector to see if anything looks off?
  7. I think KSP uses D3D9 unless you override it with an argument in the shortcut (-force-d3d11 for example) or the steam launch options. If you haven't added anything like that then it sounds like missing textures. Have you got an 'RSS-Textures' folder in Gamedata? If not you can install them via CKAN.
  8. That looks cool. Is that using the RVE version on github or something you're working on? My ground textures look weird from that low down.
  9. I'm not at home so couldn't check ksp itself, but from matching the coast up with the terrain texture and checking that same point on google maps it looks like I landed here. About half way between Taiwan and Japan. I was almost out of o2 so I just went for the first bit of water I could reach for a daylight landing.
  10. I've no idea but there's definitely hilly terrain. Here's a couple of pics where I was trying to recreate that landing for Stratochief on reddit (I re-entered short though): http://imgur.com/a/9NPdS Thanks for all the hard work on Scatterer btw. I've probably spent more time trying to get everything looking pretty than I have doing my actual KSP career...
  11. At the moment its heavily WIP/buggy as hell so results vary. Going to a ship from the tracking screen breaks things completely so unless you're doing a launch from scratch don't expect anything to work.
  12. For your album you just need to put [imgur]7hchT[/imgur (then close it with the ]). The ullage thing confused me for a while too. It'll catch you out a few times but you'll remember to blast the RCS for a few seconds before igniting or whatever. Alternatively some engines are pressure fed or hypergolic and they won't need ullage.
  13. You need to either start your second stage before your first stage cuts off, or use ullage motors to settle the fuel. Imagine you're holding a bottle of water horizontally with the lid off while holding it out of a car window. So long as the car's moving forward the water will flow out. If the car decelerates the water will slosh to the front of the bottle and the flow will stop. In a rocket this kills the ignition. You're trying to ignite it while the air is decelerating you and the fuel is sloshed to the front. Also for the imgur album put the code of your album (ie mine in my post above is 6PaEZ) inbetween {imgur} {/imgur} tags (replace {} with [] though).
  14. @Pingopete, thanks for an amazing mod. I took a load of screenshots during my latest mission (Gemini-ATV Rendezvous) and they look great!
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