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  1. This was taken during a test launch of an Eve ascent-vehicle I was designing. By the looks of it, Sidgas Kerman was not completely sold on the design.
  2. Cheers, ~Claw Did the second bug involve changing orbits without ever firing an engine?
  3. I am tempted to mess around with the Claw again, now that all its ties to the all mighty Kraken supposedly has been cut. Yet Bill and Bob, currently orbiting Kerbin in my space station and still traumatized by the Claw-kraken-induced orbital gymnastics they were involved in last time I took the Claw for a ride, scream out in terror have uttered some concerns about the idea. Has anyone got any experience with the claw in 1.0.5?
  4. I would like a ticket, thankyouverymuch! Also. First post. Also. Moderators, is my username alright, or do I need to change it?
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