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  1. thx for great mod . I recently switched my OS from windows7 to Ubuntu to avoid Oops in KSP but it's really hard to set up EVE and RVE in linux 64bit... I've followed readme.txt (in Linux branch) but it seems not working properly... I've installed all RSS and RO mods via ckan and then install EVE-Overhaul(from x86 zip file) and erase all BoulderCo folder and copy RVE and Scatterer > missing cloud or black sky, kinda things happened like there's no texture (Alt+E didn't help) if I placed BoulderCo in my gamedata, textures come back, but I see a BIG red haze around the sun EVE(old master branch) // EVE-Overhaul RVE(master branch) // RVE (linux-64bit ver) BoulderCo or not... I've tried many combinations from these but nothing worked please... I would be really appreciated if someone tell me which files I have to use and how to combine them thanks
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