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  1. I use USI-LS without any changes with this and also larger systems. I think it's fine. You'll need bit more supplies and/or better life supprt etc for the longer transits but I don't feel it's excessive, just part of the challenge of larger systems. Your mileage may vary.
  2. You are correct. That's what I get (the textures are nearly all 8K), and that's with a few mods on the side. But the performance is miraculously as good as, if not better than stock. I couldn't run visual mods anymore and I hated them. But fully loaded on JNSQ it all runs smoothly and made me return to enjoying having visual mods installed. But with "only" 16 GB of ram good performance doesn't last long before the kernel decides KSP is being greedy and needs to die. Guess I'll have to see if I can monkey with things a bit to reduce memory until I can download more ram...
  3. What is the expected memory footprint with this mod? I am seeing 11-12 GB at the main menu...
  4. The answer, at the moment, is sort of. You have to use Mission Architect (MA) for it. You can definitely do "vacuum" impact point calculations, that's easy. (See the Mission Architect example included called "Mission to Minmus" or something to that effect.) A vacuum impact point is the point at which a trajectory intersects the ground without accounting for atmospheric drag. However, atmospheric modeling is somewhat primitive at the moment. You could try using the aerobraking event type in MA, though I think that event doesn't like it when you never show up out of the atmosphere again. I would start by just modeling your reentry using the two body assumption (so just a basic coast, and coast down to an altitude of 0), and then come up with a way to adjust your pre-entry orbit to account for the fact that drag will pull that impact point a bit closer to the point where you hit the atmosphere. Honestly, depending on your flight path angle at entry interface, the vacuum impact point may not even be a terrible assumption. Give it a go and let me know how it goes. I'm happy to help you come up with a good solution if I can.  That sounds great, thank you! I'll definitely have a go at it and see how it plays out.
  5. Would this tool allow me to plan arrival and entry (without orbital capture first) directly into another atmosphere such that the entry phase begins over a predetermined geographic position? Basically I'm looking for a way to help reliably plan an arrival and entry precisely enough that I can land reasonably near a target area.
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