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Everything posted by NoahAldritt

  1. That...is really weird. RealFuels is one of the first things I installed when i was modding my install out..I'll give a shot at re-installing it and seeing if that works with my 1.0.4 save.. Edit: Reinstalled RealFuels and the patch, still stops at the same place SubEdit: So, in all my meticulous modding, I completely derped and forgot to grab the RealFuels engine configs SubSubEdit: Reinstalling RealFuels with the engine configs it still pauses on the same file (Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/Rector/part/M2X_Generator_CP), Not sure why Guess I'll just dump realfuels out entirely, see if that works to let me run the patch. (Then comes figuring out why realfuels wont work right O.o) Subx3Edit: Well, Failed to launch with patch but without realfuels, and It launched fine with realfuels but no patch, and t launches fine without realfuels and no patch. whenever this patch gets involved it stops at that file. D: I got nothin. Guess I'll take your advice and do a test install, put this near the start of the install list and do a test launch after each addition till I find which mod is actually causing the problem. Bleh.
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xt3ci154oa150t6/KSP.log?dl=0 I think this is the right log file? Anything else you need lemme know (Sorry the reply took so long.. WAs making dinner and had to re-insall the mod and relaunch kerbal to get the log file updated), left it sitting at the stop point for a minute or three as well.
  3. So, Just finished modding out my KSP for the new version, and it catches while loading on "Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/Reactor/part/M2X_Generator_CP", the mk2 mod author SuicidalInsanity says that this is a part added by the KSPI integration patch (Which I'm pretty sure is this), and to ask over here to see if you might know whats up. Any idea why it might be catching there? I'm not sure where/how to upload an output_log, so if you need that, let me know and preferably include the information of where/how. Any help would be appreciated. Edit: Tested and confirmed that without the Integration patch it loads to menu fine. (Probably should have done that BEFORE posting, oh well..)
  4. Having the same issue as BobsYerUncle, catches on Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/Reactor/part/M2X_Generator_CP, Definitely have CRP installed, (reinstalled it three times just in case), and I'm not sure where/how to post the output_log or I would. So, if you could point me towards that I'll respond when I can. Any help would be appreciated. (Also going to go see if I can hunt out the integration thread to see if there might be a solution there) Edit: Tested and confirmed that without the Integration patch it loads to menu fine. (Probably should have done that BEFORE posting, oh well..)
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