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Everything posted by Velinguard

  1. A huge problem I am finding with Kerbal Space Program at the moment is the learning curve. After 115 hours of playing the game, I can say that I sort of know my way around it. But at the same time there is so so so much I can not do and that makes me so limited. To summarise, I will say what I can do so far: - I can launch a rocket to both moons and land on it (not easily though) - I can get satellites and Kerbin's into orbit - I can just about rendezvous - I can build a plane - I can get three satellites into kerbostationary orbit But that is about it, and theres so much more to do, like exploring planets, making space stations, making efficient rockets, rendezvousing with asteroids and potentially redirecting them, theres loads! and I just dont see any help for this sort of intermediate level. Theres loads of beginners tutorials, but none of these really cover these advanced issues. So once again I will summarise into a list what I would like to learn: - How to actually/efficiently design a rocket, how much fuel I will need, what rockets are best... - How to make a space station, how to design one etc... - How to get out of kerbins orbit in a controlled manner. - How to get to other planets - How to deal with the new aerodynamic updates (I am getting used to these more and more now) - How to build a lunar colony - And just how to become an expert at the game! Please can somebody help me with these problems, I know im not the only one as well, my friends are all the same. If you are an 'expert' or are proficiently good, how did you manage to get past this intermediate level, what videos or guides did you use, or could you make your own to help? Please can you help me, I love this game, and there is so much to offer, and I wish I could unlock this.
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