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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I tried, it didn't work. Thanks for trying though.
  2. Just a minor question: I can't seem to be able to enter any of the space station buildings but the career one. Once i click the rocket building facility or the radar station my mouse just stops working, making the game unplayable. The left and right click buttons simply turn 100% unresponsive, and I just can't click anything at all apart from settings when i press escape. Even clicking back to main menu doesn't work. I searched this thread for others having the same issue but didn't find any fixes. Is there any way for me to solve this?
  3. It worked! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me, have a great day cause i certainly will!
  4. Hey guys, I've just tried installing the GEMFX pack but it crashed before the game was finished loading, so i tried to use this 64 bit workaround. I couldnt find unity 4.6 so i downloaded unity 5.2.2f1 hoping it would work. I replaced the files as described, but as i launch the game i get an error message saying the game was unable to load mono.dll. Any idea how to fix this? - - - Updated - - - Oh, and whenever i try to use the new ksp.exe from unity i get the error message "There should be 'KSP.exe_Data'folder next to the executable". I did follow all the steps so i find it odd that i can't get it working.
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