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Posts posted by atomant008

  1. I apologize if this has been answered in an earlier reply, but I'm using this mod and TAC-LS, love them both, and am wondering about including the TAC-LS supplies in the NFT Spacecraft command pods. Adding supply tanks on to a craft where I'm using the NFT pods is not so much of a pain that I'm going avoid it, but it feels like overkill to add on dedicated supply parts when I'm just building an Ascent/Descent/Transfer vehicle.

    I'm trying to learn more about modding, so I'd love to take a stab at tweaking the necessary files myself, but if anyone has a good starting point for this particular case, I'd be happy to hear it.

    I copy-pasted this from my comment in the NFT thread. I'm adding this line because I feel bad copying and pasting without acknowledging my laziness.

    Edit to acknowledge further laziness: Now that I'm looking at the TAC-LS source code, it looks like it should apply the LifeSupportModule to any part with crew capacity, so maybe I just need to reinstall.

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