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  1. Hi All! Is there a way to get mission waypoints to show on the navball? It would make precision landing easier and more efficient. Apologies if this has been asked and answered, but my searches didn't return what I'm looking for.
  2. This old thread has been most helpful to me. Sadly the pictures are gone, but the method really works for me. I also run Snark's Better Burn Time which shows the time to impact and burn time necessary. It gives a good sense of how close your cutting it in terms of descent rate.
  3. Now that is clever. I never had much success eyeballing the AN/DN. Having that second orbit makes for an easy visual reference. Very cool.
  4. One of the first things I do in a new save is launch a little satellite that matches Minimus inclination so I can match that instead of faffing about with the view to see Minimus orbit. I launch it equitorially with enough dv to make the inclination change to match Minimus. While in map view, you should be able to see the satellite's orbit as well as your launch vector. If you run Kerbal Alarm Clock, target the satellite and set an alarm for the ascending or descending node. While this doesn't help directly with goal #1, it makes #2 much easier to handle.
  5. I figured as much....thanks.. Was hoping there was something I was overlooking. I'll check this out. Thanks for the pointer.
  6. I was running into this often when going to Minimus. I found it happens when my encounter was after apoapse. On later flights, I change my flight to encounter Minimus before apoapse and no issue. I haven't tried all the fixes here, but the ones I've tried I haven't had much success with. So I've been shooting for earlier encounters and shorter transfers at the expense of ~80 dv.
  7. Hi All, is there setting somewhere that mutes KSP when it's in the background or minimized? I checked both main menu settings and in-game settings and no joy.
  8. Thanks for that! I had a save just before re-entry, but couldn't get it to land instead of splashdown, but it makes sense, because of the contracts specific to splash down. So fussy with the contracts.
  9. Is there a way Those Jerkfaces at Winter Owl say I didn't land my ore on Kerbin. I say I did. And they don't know the trouble I went through to get it there. I had to send a rescue and recovery ship to pick up Jeb, Bob and the ore. I'm not doing a third trip. No way. What are they expecting here?? Can I go to arbitration? Or, is there a way to complete the contract in the save files?
  10. Cool approach. Do you have a screenshot or example of that kind of rover? Rovers on Minimus have been more frustrating than helpful for me.
  11. For those who are using refuelling ships and hopping Mun/Minimus, what kind of orbit are you using for the refueller? I've been starting out in a polar orbit so that if I wait long enough, the lander can match inclination easily from biomes that are further away from the equator. After the last or second last refuelling, I put that ship in an equatorial orbit, so that it's easier to rendezvous when I send more fuel from Kerbin. I've been wondering if that's worth the hassle and if I should just work from an equatorial orbit from the beginning.
  12. Vancouver Island here. Alberta before that. Mostly career mode rocketry around Kerbin's SOI. Watching the clock tick until some transfer windows open. Can't bear to warp time, gotta play it through. Not much into the plane/space plane stuff. Would like to play more but work and farm stuff gets in the way. Funny that..
  13. Having an existing orbit overlaying my launch is an easy visual reference. I haven't found a way to get that by directly targeting Minimus or at least somethign that doesn't involve a lot of zooming out. As for setting an alam where AN or DN intercepts with Minimus as a target, haven't tried that.
  14. Here's a new-to-me thing that I like. I used to hate messing around with inclination changes on the way to minimus. This career I've put up a little satellite ~100K above Kerbin matching Minimus inclination. I put my Minimus launch on the pad, set the satellite as target and set an alarm on KAC for when the ascending or descending node is intercepted. After launch, I can tweak path so that I have little or no inclination to correct for. Makes Minimus travel much more straightforward for me. Not sure if this method will work with bodies that orbit around Kerbol. I'll be firing up a satellite to see if I can do the same for Duna.
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