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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. That is indeed massively brilliant, especially considering the new "low in space over..." EVA reports which add a ton of science.
  2. Yeah, auto-transfer would be my preferred solution to this as well.
  3. Yeah, did the "crew shuffle" on rescue mission just now. But the engineering tab still complains, even if it is connected to a command pod.
  4. This seems bugged to me. The Mk1 Crew Cabin has its hatch right were its attachment point is. I'm kind of sick of the engineer tab complaining that "hatch is obstructed". If I "EVA" a kerbal from the Crew Cabin with both sides attached to something, he slips through. But it's of course impossible to get him or her back in. Any solutions? This Crew Cabin would be my favourite new part so far, but this is really bugging me.
  5. Decided to go non-caveman for now. The new contracts added by 1.0.5 make stuff interesting, but by simple farming you could achieve caveman. Trying to do the challenge has been very educational though. I managed to get a satellite into munar orbit without any flightplanning etc, which was great. However, Since I only started with KSP about 2 Months ago, I feel like I have to earn more experience before attempting to do the challenge properly.
  6. Started today as well. Had to start from scratch anyways because of the update. I'm very curious how it will go. Tech level 3 is already ulocked, now comes the hard part. Farming those ~900 science for tech level 4.
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