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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. XD ok , dont download the link of main page , use the BETA link i post , the one piece IS NOT SUPPORTED , that is the problem dude Beta Link https://www.dropbox.com/s/fki2wfjkgbt33p7/NASA-Pack.rar?dl=0 im a supporter for develop aero and vmpas , its just that the jump to 1.0.5 pop many bugs that wasnt present in the previous versions related with the 3d , and since mike is gone since 2 or 3 moths , i dont have the knowledge to fix it so im searching people that it does, until that the proyect is stucked. glad to hear it
  2. i take a look for the Ro patch and until ferram its fixed i dont know its its the same bug . take it easy , new 3d new colliders and ferram will be up.
  3. We aré on that, the 3D has an isue that pop out on 1.05 heavy and affect mainlly to aerodynamics, we had to overcheat some lift parts to make it fly moré or less propperlly until we fix it. When the new colliders and the splitted parts shuttle 3D are ready (new hd textures also ) it should work fine under ferram atm , and Ro, but for sure the patch files for those will need a rebuilt, i dont know if mayor or mínimum changes until we end the actual thing. As i said before Sorry for the delay and hope that all of this will be fixed soon. The ro patch rezize some parts thats the thing, noted to the fix list and will be published after mayor shuttle overhaull and ferram patch update (since ro depend on ferram i canot patch something without fixing the previous issues. ). Also the beta has a mayor refoldeer to place all mikes on a common folder ,cause many of them use common effects and textures , and on my view was a mess to have all those files x2 ,x3 and in some cases x5. Same as before mods will be updated 1 by1asap when the shuttle is ended.
  4. Hello guys and happy new year. Back to work in a few days. Ro patch wont work until we fix the ferram 3d and colliders bug that the beta and previous versions have.Thats why we were looking for a 3d editor and he is currentlly working on the new collider parts for the new versión. I expect to release the ferram compatible soon, if all the patches work fine.Sorry for the delay in replay but hollydays are hollydays.
  5. XD ok , dont download the link of main page , use the BETA link i post , the one piece IS NOT SUPPORTED , that is the problem dude Beta Link https://www.dropbox.com/s/fki2wfjkgbt33p7/NASA-Pack.rar?dl=0
  6. Could be a mod incompatibility , but first report of that bug(But i think that its more procable to that u just did a bad installation.) . follow this instruccions to do a safe installation Beta test update and mayor and minor bug fixes , module update and new tweak , previus parammeters mostlly as normal Stronglly suggest a clean installation of KSP if not using Ckan previouslly Delete the previous version you had and perform installations , remember the mod has the next main dependencies to work propperlly. Mods Removed Baha SP or Bahamuto Removed Dependency Module RCSFX is obsollette since KSP 1.0.5 so dont use it-Removed Dependency Needed Mods Firespitter core - Download the last version on Ckan Jsi or rasterpropmonitor - Download the last version on Ckan Klockheed_martian_gimbal - Download the last version on Ckan Modulle manager - Download the last version on Ckan Suggested Mods AVC- Download the last version on Ckan Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Download the last version on Ckan-This one Stronglly suggested Ckan link ( is a mod manager basically)-Place Ckan on the folder where Ksp.exe is and run it. When update and those things go to settings , Ksp comand line and paste this KSP.exe -force-opengl https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases/tag/v1.14.3Download CKAN.exe and drop it in your ksp install , run it and install the mods. This version Does Not support ferram Aerospace Yet! DONT APPLY ANY FIX FILE Any report with pics and Log please Ksp 1.0.5 Supported , needed mods above I cant help you with that
  7. What conclussion could you obtain from this ? Dont apply any fix file ( just in case) As i said ( 4 or 5 times ) most files had change their root so maybe the problem is that it cant find the new root ( i didnt touch the iss , and i cant do it until we fix the css , and for that we need a unity or 3d editor that we dont have right now since mike is out). This version its BETA compatible with 1.0.5 and plenty bug fixes for the css , Only for the css , since mike released many mods i reroot the css and the lancuher kit (only those 2 for now) under the NASA folder to be more organized ,and the idea its place them all under that reference. So from that , any old saves that you have with the css CANT be loaded propperlly since the files has change . With that explained Any report with pics and Log please Ksp 1.0.5 Supported so if you have any problem in the future check you install , follow the instructions , if persist LOG and PICS But you are the only one that have report that issue , and all the people that use the beta , says that work fine ( the css anything else that is not the css i didnt enter on that matter yet).
  8. thanks for that i will take a look on it . that solves some patches that i had on mind after fixing the new version . And , for all interested , any that know about unity for placing colliders etc etc ... we need help on that matter so anyone could post or PM me or Sampa. LF Unity editor or/and 3D!
  9. dont know , he is away since 1 moth more or less , thats why we need a unity or 3d modeller . He is the only one that knows about those things.
  10. glad to know , report any weird thing u saw on that version
  11. i didnt touch the pad , so no idea , i wont start new work until fix the old , but thanks anyway The first mod page need the patch and have bugs that the beta dont !! The beta is published on this page ( i pasted it like 4 times), sorry for the confussion but mike is kinda out and i cant touch his post
  12. version u use, version of ksp , some pics could be awesome ... those things ! If you are using the beta , it has 0 ammount of monoproppelant , and you have to add quantity manually! Tested with the link above version, the seperator attach and works fine Tail , true , need a readjust , adjusted on the new version ( no unity editor for now , so new version still stuck)
  13. the point is that im totally null , placing colliders or placing the gates or things like . I succed to port it , but gates dont work propperlly , animations . etc Im V mapper and im pretty lost in the unity . just looking for someone who port it , or someone that i can send some work sometimes and port it . cause as i said im null, and the editor of our team has been kidnaped by ISIS.
  14. Hello to all , im part of the team of the css shuttle But we are getting some problem to advance . Since mike is quite out for now . Since the actual version has some issues i revive the splitted part version and reextured mosty from 0, but im hyperstuck on unity , i cant port the files to the game properlly , and i read plenty tutorials on this forum so please any interested to help Pm me. Here i left som pics of the new work
  15. It wont be compatible with saved games im afraid Beta test update and mayor and minor bug fixes , module update and new tweak , previus parammeters mostlly as normal Stronglly suggest a clean installation of KSP if not using Ckan previouslly Delete the previous version you had and perform installations , remember the mod has the next main dependencies to work propperlly. Mods Removed Baha SP or Bahamuto Removed Dependency Module RCSFX is obsollette since KSP 1.0.5 so dont use it-Removed Dependency Needed Mods Firespitter core - Download the last version on Ckan Jsi or rasterpropmonitor - Download the last version on Ckan Klockheed_martian_gimbal - Download the last version on Ckan Modulle manager - Download the last version on Ckan Suggested Mods AVC- Download the last version on Ckan Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Download the last version on Ckan-This one Stronglly suggested Ckan link ( is a mod manager basically)-Place Ckan on the folder where Ksp.exe is and run it. When update and those things go to settings , Ksp comand line and paste this KSP.exe -force-opengl https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases/tag/v1.14.3 Download CKAN.exe and drop it in your ksp install , run it and install the mods. Beta Link https://www.dropbox.com/s/fki2wfjkgbt33p7/NASA-Pack.rar?dl=0 This version Does Not support ferram Aerospace Yet! DONT APPLY ANY FIX FILE Any report with pics and Log please Ksp 1.0.5 Supported , needed mods above
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