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  1. :)[quote name='smjjames']I get this bug sometimes when moving the game window around (I play in windowed mode), going to KSC and back usually fixes this.[/QUOTE] Holy moly! Your fix didn't work but thank you for mentioning "windowed mode"! That set me off trying to experiment. I tried a ton of different timings and combinations, but it turns out the simpler one did the trick: if I turn Fullscreen off [I]right[/I] when KSP launches out of Steam (⌘F) then my orbits are drawn! RELIEF! I can play the game now. Thanks everyone. As an aside, I look forward to the 1.1/U5 fix. The whole UI is kind of a buggy piece-of-s*** for Mac users. Still playable, but highly annoying. OH well. I love the game so much I play anyway. Don't tell Squad.
  2. In map view, if I zoom out past the Kerbin system, all celestial body orbit lines (gray in color) as well as my craft's orbits (several colors) disappear. I just filed this bug today: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/5911 They marked it as duplicate, which I get, but the original bug is marked 'low' priority. This is 'critical' for me. I can't play the game past Minmus. Anyways, I was wondering if anybody had seen this before or had any workarounds I might try. To clarify, I just started playing KSP in 1.0.4. This bug is still apparent in 1.0.5. I don't have to do anything to reproduce. It always does this.
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