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Everything posted by sturmer

  1. ballbearings in standard formats would be nice, imagine the space stations and all being created ^^
  2. hi there, first of all love the mod and the whole concept of it but i have a small problem, i came to the part where i have to built the V2 20th Blossom-1 rocket, so i start reading the description and the background. so it came the whole point were the first pod with bug was send up to space. now here is the problem i have encountered, i cant find that core or nose cone for it. i have the A4 nose cone with parachute, the a4 empty cone and the A4 empty/warhead cone. what am i missing or doing wrong? grtz
  3. hi there, first great program. 2nd i have a question: i currently have several mods still in the zip files on my pc. is there a way that i can manually install them via Ckan without redownloading them? 3rd: so last night i selected some mods from the Compatible list and installed them, now i wanted to try them and while loading up i got a CTD without a report no3 is fixed, i downloaded the agressive texture thingy and in the ksp icon properties i added -force-opengl and that did the trick.
  4. im running ksp modded on 64b, it crashed occasionally BUT i changed 1 thing and it never crashed on me again and it wasnt mod related at all. all i did was i changed from CKAN towards to KSP mod admin and in there i imported all my mods and at the bottom right next to launch KSP there i have the option Force OpenGl. i checked it and it got rid of all my CTD's so its really worth a shot and the mod admin can be found here if you use the search button. grtz
  5. helicopters and the ability to retrieve debris parts that fell in the ocean or mountains. just an idea
  6. @greystork: no i didnt change anything, but i fixed the issue. i ran a integrity control in steam and apperantly i was missing 70mb on stuff. it downloaded and i reinstalled the mods and everything works fine now. so thnx again for the help and sry for the inconvinience grtz
  7. hey greystork, so i started ksp back up and i did the debug like you asked. i get the following error like over 50 times. [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object grtz
  8. hi there, im having a small problem with the mod and im not sure if im doing something wrong or not. my ksp is now on 1.0.5 like everyone elses i guess, so i started up ckan and i could upgrade ur mod via that. when finished i start up ksp and it starts loading but from the moment it starts to apply the patches it stall's on this part : BAE/Parts/Control/V1/BAEvernor1/BAEvernor1 any idea whats wrong here? in 1.0.4 it worked great thnx in advance
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