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Posts posted by sturmer

  1. On 4-9-2016 at 10:06 PM, sturmer said:

    hi there, first of all love the mod and the whole concept of it

    but i have a small problem, i came to the part where i have to built the V2 20th Blossom-1 rocket, so i start reading the description and the background. so it came the whole point were the first pod with bug was send up to space.

    now here is the problem i have encountered, i cant find that core or nose cone for it. i have the A4 nose cone with parachute, the a4 empty cone and the A4 empty/warhead cone.

    what am i missing or doing wrong?



    anybody got some ideas about this matter?

  2. hi there, first of all love the mod and the whole concept of it

    but i have a small problem, i came to the part where i have to built the V2 20th Blossom-1 rocket, so i start reading the description and the background. so it came the whole point were the first pod with bug was send up to space.

    now here is the problem i have encountered, i cant find that core or nose cone for it. i have the A4 nose cone with parachute, the a4 empty cone and the A4 empty/warhead cone.

    what am i missing or doing wrong?



  3. hi there, first great program.

    2nd i have a question: i currently have several mods still in the zip files on my pc. is there a way that i can manually install them via Ckan without redownloading them?

    3rd: so last night i selected some mods from the Compatible list and installed them, now i wanted to try them and while loading up i got a CTD without a report

    no3 is fixed, i downloaded the agressive texture thingy and in the ksp icon properties i added -force-opengl and that did the trick.

  4. im running ksp modded on 64b, it crashed occasionally BUT i changed 1 thing and it never crashed on me again and it wasnt mod related at all.
    all i did was i changed from CKAN towards to KSP mod admin and in there i imported all my mods and at the bottom right next to launch KSP there i have the option Force OpenGl. i checked it and it got rid of all my CTD's
    so its really worth a shot and the mod admin can be found here if you use the search button.

  5. hi there,

    im having a small problem with the mod and im not sure if im doing something wrong or not.

    my ksp is now on 1.0.5 like everyone elses i guess, so i started up ckan and i could upgrade ur mod via that.

    when finished i start up ksp and it starts loading but from the moment it starts to apply the patches it stall's on this part : BAE/Parts/Control/V1/BAEvernor1/BAEvernor1

    any idea whats wrong here? in 1.0.4 it worked great

    thnx in advance

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