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Posts posted by JuN''

  1. I'd had quite the success with Vall. It's gravity is managable, it's position close to both Tylo and Laythe makes is easy to use them for gravity assist, and it's orbit goes mostly within Jool's equator. I tend to fool around the Jool-System a lot, so having an easy-access-base is invaluable to me.

  2. Hey Ashley, just rewatched the stream and couldn't help but notice that Lave is gone. It does seem like it is intentional, since you moved the orbit of it's former moon Eli (which is my fav by a long shot btw good work!). Now I'm curious about your reasoning behind this though. On a side note both ernus and derso are nowhere close to any of the overhauled planets and still look good on their own. In fact, If i wouldn't have followed the forums I'd never know that they aren't finished. Also, it feels like a lost opportunity that Gregox didn't install KASE as well. Would have been amazing to see the solar system like you pictured it to be.

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