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Everything posted by Jacopo

  1. @Starman4308 hp stream has a quad core 1ghz not a dual core 1.6 ghz. Ksp runs perfectly on my main pc were I have a i5 3570 a gtx 670 and 16 gb of ram (that yes are overkilled for ksp but the game was not the main reason I build it). I perfectly knew that moving to the hp stream I would have had a dramatic drop of performance, I was only asking how to make it the best playable even on a low-performance laptop :-)
  2. Thank you guys, I'll try all this stuff and I will let you now if I have some result in game
  3. Hello everybody, I have always used ksp on my principle pc. I have always played with no problems even with rss and ro installed. Now I have a problem with my pc and I have to play on my laptop that is a hp stream 14.. I obviously play without any mods and with all the graphics settings down to the minum or so. And I can play simple mission without any problem but with low fps.. do anyone now some tips to increase fps? I find two mods that help with fps but they are both broken.. ( active texture management and dynamic texture loader) so do anyone now other mods that could help? Or even some settings I maybe miss? Thank you
  4. Hello everybody! I'm having a lot of problems with Ksp and I hope someone could help me here.. First of all here's my pc specs Gtx 670 16 gb ram I5 3570 Samsung ssd 250 gb 2 tb hdd. Windows 10 The problems began when I install these mods 1 rss 4K texture 2 realism overhaul 3 rp0 The problem is that after some minutes of playing the game crash when I revert to launch or I enter an edifice. Apparently the problem is that the 32 bit version of Ksp doesn't allow me to use all my ram.. So I install 2k texture and remove the 4K.. But the problem was the same.. (And it is strange because I see a lot of people playing Ksp with these mod on Windows without have any problem.. I try to install the active texture mod but nothing change.. ) So I install Ubuntu 15.04 that make use all my beautiful Ram.. Here the game run perfectly with all the mods I want but there are other problem and here I relay think that I will get crazy.. Now the problem is they the game run at low fps (really really low... Strange because on Windows it run perfectly at 50-60 fps before crashing) and it look bad like if I have no anti aliasing even if I have 8x.. So now I can't play because the game is too slow.. On Windows I have ram issues and in Ubuntu graphics issue (ps I have install the official driver of my graphic card ((or I think so)).. Can someone help me? Sorry for my really bad English but is not my language.. Thanks everyone for the help..
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