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Stupid Waldo

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Everything posted by Stupid Waldo

  1. As long as it wobbles back and forth, it isn't so bad, as it'll stay to a relative area. With some of my orbits, it only appears that they're travelling in a single direction. With my Minmus and my Mun intercept orbits, I'm only seeing apoapsis increasing, not decreasing. Also I think it's rather odd that they can calculate an accurate orbit at one point, but don't stick with that orbit. Wouldn't it be better to scrap to constant recalculation, since the original orbit path took into account basically every factor?
  2. That would explain why I still have an upper stage floating around Kerbin when it's periapsis is at 50km. Again, things that I think could be added to the game. It might not be usable by lower power computers, since the amount of calculations would be increased dramatically, but I don't think it would be terribly difficult to implement a system that detects when acceleration is applied to an object and automatically brings it off of it's rails and performs standard calculations for it.
  3. Yeah, I know they use similar calculations, just on a much larger scale, which is why I'm curious to see if it'd be possible to allow for greater accuracy in calculations on more powerful computers. And precalculations are something I would love to see in this game, along with automated maneuvers with those precalculations to make them more effective.
  4. Yeah, I built my PC to handle most games for the foreseeable future and upgrade it as often as I can. But on topic, I feel like there should be a way to further increase the accuracy of calculations, at a cost of performance. I'm sure NASA doesn't put up with similar calculation issues. On other note, I'm still not entirely clear on what setting is better. The wiki says that the numbers refer to the amount of time spent doing physics calculations, with the higher number giving more accurate results, whereas it seems like you guys are saying that the numbers are instead how often calculations occur, with the smaller number giving more accurate results.
  5. Yeah I tried both and didn't really see any difference between the two of them. I generally only see the timer go yellow (or very rarely red) when I warp during an atmospheric flight or when I have a large number of rocket engines firing simultaneously. I guess I'll keep playing around with it. Thanks for the help
  6. When you say raise delta time slider, do you mean increase the value, or do you mean move to the right (which decreases the value, but is usually associated with increased settings)?
  7. Well then I suppose I need to ask how other people handle this. Any tips or tricks, aside from actually flying the craft as little as possible? I also find it odd that I didn't notice this at all in the past when I was playing. It only started to occur today. I previously launched a ship to the Mun, and had no changes to it's orbit, or if they did happen, they were very small, small enough that they didn't interfere with my maneuvers.
  8. I wouldn't really consider 40km deviation per minute nominal. Just a few minutes of changes like that will completely change the orbits of my ships, especially for such missions as this one to Minmus, where it's gravity is so weak that the difference between a few m/s in either direction will cause me to miss entirely.
  9. [video=youtube;vHr5O6pOnKA]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHr5O6pOnKA[/video] I might have exaggerated a little, but as you can see, over 30 seconds the apoapsis of the orbit increases by about 20km.
  10. It doesn't matter what type of orbit it is or what parameters it has. They all change over time without any input. I'm currently doing a tutorial, which has me on a close orbit around Kerbin and the apoapsis and periapsis are shifting at about 1 meter per 5-10 seconds. In my career mode, I have an elongated orbit from Kerbin out to Minmus which shifts it's apoapsis several thousand meters per second, and another elongated orbit to the Mun which is also changing rather fast. It appears that the larger the apoapsis or periapsis, the faster the change is, but all orbits that I create are changing. I've created maneuver nodes to see how those are affected, but their parameters don't change. It's only the current path that my space craft are in that are changing.
  11. [quote name='sal_vager']Hi Stupid Waldo, this is caused by [U][URL="https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html"]floating point inaccuracy[/URL][/U] with the large numbers involved when predicting large orbits with the maneuver nodes.[/QUOTE] That's not actually the problem I'm having. The maneuver node was fine, and I completed my burn and got myself on track. There are currently no maneuver nodes on any of my orbits. The orbits themselves are unstable. I had no issues in the past, sending someone past the Mun without problems, but I started up today and suddenly all of my orbits are shifting themselves without input. Yesterday I launched a probe to Minmus with no issues and a completely stable and predictable orbit. I checked up on it several times to get data for a contract and still had no problems. Today, it has suddenly become unstable, along with the other orbits I examined.
  12. I've been having a problem recently where my space craft orbits have been wobbling. The craft themselves are stable, with all systems turned off so there is no outside input. Despite this, there are very large oscillations in the orbit, which are enough to cause some of my ships to completely miss their targets. I've noticed that increasing the game speed will stabilize the orbit temporarily, but this isn't a perfect fix as the orbital parameters have already been changed. Any ideas to what is causing this? I use Windows, version through Steam.
  13. Recently I was playing and the game crashed, but managed to autosave before that. However, it didn't save properly, and I was forced to backtrack to my most recent manual save, which undid almost 10 hours worth of work. I would like to suggest adding in additional autosaves, where the game would overwrite the oldest autosave in the sequence, allowing you to jump back short distances if something goes wrong. Even just one extra autosave slot would be sufficient.
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