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Everything posted by elvissz

  1. [quote name='chrisl']Are you using the "FASA Saturn V Apollo Lunar" craft file or did you build the rocket yourself? If you're using the craft file, something you should make note of is that flow for the NTO, Aerozine50 and MMH are all turned off by default. So you want to make sure those are turned on before you try the burn. Otherwise, I'm not really sure what issue you might be having. I just completed a flight using the craft file (with some minor adjustments cause I added some science instruments) and didn't have any problems. Also, assuming you're using the service module that is part of the FASA pack (FASAApollo_SM), why are you adding a fuel cell? There should already be a single fuel cell built into the SM (as of RO 10.5 anyway) that generates 2.2ec/sec which is enough power to run everything but the high gain antenna. And you're apparently not supposed to run the high gain constantly. As for why add on fuel cells might not work, maybe crossfeed isn't working properly?[/QUOTE] Hi and many thanks for the good replies! I'm using the "FASA Saturn V Apollo Lunar" craft file. I didn't make any changes to the rocket. As soon as I get home, I'll try it once more. Obviously I'm doing something wrong. Since I installed RO only a few days ago, it seems I still have to get used to it. (I was struggling a couple of days only getting into orbit!) Which fuel does the SPS use anyway? A mixture of NTO, Aerozine50 and MMH? Thanks so much for your help! I used FASA in stock game first and there you could see the fuel cells mounted in the CSM service bays with right-clicks to activate and stop them. In RO there are no visible fuel cells so I thought I had to put them there.
  2. Hi everyone! I am using FASA together with RSS & RO in KSP 1.0.4. In my opinion, FASA works very good with RO. I'm trying to simulate the lunar missions. It all works out just fine, TLI is on the money, problems occur when trying to circularize around the moon: This is also the first time when I wanna fire my SPS engine on the CSM. Tank shows "full", I have achieved ullage using RCS (very stable), but this candle won't light. I treid to mess around selecting other fuels, but nothing. Any ideas? Any ideas also, why fuelcells don't work when I put them into the servicebay of the CSM? LH2 and LOX tanks are full, but nothing happens. tried solar panels - maybe the stock panels don't produce enough electricity? Thanks in advance for your ideas guys! Stefan
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