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Everything posted by keyscapeunit

  1. Hi all, In my Science Mode game, I have successfully sent an orbital scanner and a little rover to map out the best place for mining operations on Ike. I have also landed a larger craft with mining and ore processing capabilities, yay. I'm now trying to find a build for a lander that will connect to the ore processor, load fuel, and then transport it to a smaller craft that can launch it up into orbit for an orbital refueling station. I did this on Minmus but I'm not sure I had the best design. Does anyone have any simple landers that can drive, connect to one craft, detach, and drive/connect to another craft? I could use my ore processing station to launch back into orbit but that seems like a lot of fuel wasted plus I have to bring it back down to the surface. A smaller more nimble transport seems more ideal. I'm looking for both the Kerbal launch loadout and the final landing product. TIA!
  2. What fuel tanks do you have on that? I should add I'm playing Science Mode so don't have every little thing unlocked but probably about 60 - 70%
  3. Only problem is I need this for repeat trips as I go back up to my orbital platform to start processing science, thus I don't want to go Apollo style. Thanks for the help though! Thanks also for the other suggestions
  4. Hi, I'm looking for advice on a small fuel efficient Mun lander that can make trips from an orbiting lab down to the surface and back. I have one (screenshots below) but it seems rather large and uses up quite a bit of fuel to get down and back (over half of the three tanks). Any advice appreciated!!
  5. I know this is old, but I had the same issue tonight. What I did is quickload back to where the port was there then switched to the Space Center. After switching back to my ship, all was well.
  6. Thanks all, that makes perfect sense. Just wanted to be sure docking ports would work with my longer term objectives. Appreciate the help!
  7. Hi all, I am playing through science mode and have a question about docking and acceleration. I'm currently using the small docking ports. I docked a ship to the side of another ship around Minimus at a perpendicular angle and tried to tow it back to Kerbal. The docked ship (the smaller ship attached to the side of the main ship perpendicularly) immediately swung into the accelerating ship and caused all kinds of havoc. It makes sense to me why this would happen but I'm curious if I were to align the ships (i.e. nose to nose) would I have the same issue? Ultimately I would like to understand how to dock a tug and push a ship somewhere.
  8. Thanks for the help! Yes, the goal on this mission was multiple biomes with multiple Kerbals. It also was a rescue mission from my first attempt in which a lander clipped to the command pod. I actually ran out of fuel while circularizing my return orbit around Kerbal and used my monopropellant to drop into a decaying orbit. No problems in terms of descent stability, but the four radial chutes only slowed my descent to 6 m/s and I landed on some hills. The remaining pieces separated as a result but everyone survived and I came home with 400 science which is good for me. Of course, I'm happy to take suggestions here
  9. Thanks all! I actually put the decoupler on top of the command pod and then built/attached the lander, maybe it clipped straight to the pod. I appreciate the help and will take a look.
  10. Thank you! Here are some screenshots: Top of the rocket with the lander at the very top: Here is a closeup of the top: Here is a slightly tilted view to look under the lander:
  11. After running through a few tutorials in sandbox, I've been progressing through the science mode of the game in order to follow what rocket parts do what, etc., and to provide my lazy butt some incentive to try new things Anyways, I'm curious about a few things. To illustrate, here is my scenario: 1. I have not yet unlocked the mobile science unit piece for the game. 2. I created a Minimus ship complete with a lander attached to the top of the command pod of my ship. This worked well until I actually got to Minimus and realized I couldn't undock the lander. I had a decoupler between the lander and the command pod, and, when it deployed, the two ships did not detach. I do have the stabilizing beams attached from the lander to the main ship (the little thin grey lines) so that it wouldn't wobble during liftoff from Kerbal. I was able to *very* briefly fire the engine on the lander which blew up the decoupler and the supports and detached the two, but this is obviously not ideal. Is there a trick to this - perhaps I should use a docking port instead of a decoupler? 3. I have a scientist and pilot who successfully landed on Minimus in the lander and have gathered science. My plan is to hop a few times around Minimus, but I'm not sure how to manage the science effectively. There is a materials bay and several goo containers on the lander, and I used the materials bay and a few containers on my first landing as well as EVA reports for the two Kerbals. My plan is to launch and dock with the main ship and transfer the science, but I'm not sure if I can do this without a mobile science unit - is that correct? I was going to collect it via EVA and then board the main ship with the science but I'm not sure this will work. 4. If I have a scientist, can I reuse the goo containers or do I need the mobile science piece in order to do so? 5. Any other science collecting tips out there? Thanks!!!
  12. Hi all! A couple of questions: 1. When you leave a flight and go back to the Space Center, do you get any warnings? For example, if the ship was to start re-entering Kerbin's atmosphere, would you be notified? 2. Is there a way to "program" flights? For example, could you set a series of maneuver nodes and have the ship automatically execute them unattended? Thank you!
  13. :) I have no problem with manned rockets, but this stayputnik troubled me for over a week. I spent countless hours just trying to get it into orbit before figuring it out... next up, Kerbals to the Mun! Thanks again everyone.
  14. Thanks everyone. I unfortunately don't have the science bay yet, and nose cones don't go on the stayputnik. However, I was able to get this to work by making the rocket smaller and faster with some solid fuel boosters and fins at the base. It will still spin (slowly) like an artillery shell once I drop boosters, but I learned to let the boosters carry it over 12K, ditch them when they flame out, and then keep the engines off until the rocket starts to stabilize (the engines will finalize the stabilization). At that point I was able to get into orbit and made it to the Mun for a couple of orbits and back on my first attempt. Wow, getting to the Mun is easy once you get into Kerbin orbit!
  15. Thanks y'all! Would it be typical to add two fins bilaterally or four? Also, how are these unmanned probes supposed to get into orbit without mods?
  16. Hello, I'm designing some prototypes to orbit the Mun (in advance of my first manned mission), and these include solar panels, the Science Jr, a few Goo Canisters, and a thermometer along with rechargeable batteries. I should note that I am playing Science Mode. I've successfully sent a couple of manned rockets into orbit with no issue. I have that down pat. However, it seems that I have issues with unmanned rockets. Somewhere between 10K and 25K (depending on how much boost I give the ship before I disengage boosters and switch to liquid) my rocket tips over and begins spiraling uncontrollably. This happens when I disengage booster rockets and switch to liquid fuel. Obviously this doesn't work well. I initially thought it had something to do with aerodynamics as my initial CoM and (what I think) it translates to after fuel usage seems OK, but I could be wrong. At any rate, I've tried several rocket models and all have the same issue. Are there any tips out there? Also, in terms of Kerbin orbit for a Mun orbit mission, how high should my Kerbin orbit be or does it matter? I've been trying to get way out there in orbit but maybe that's overkill.
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