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  1. So I am having technical issues with this mod (as well as other customizable mods). I see three different landing gear parts but none of them allow me to change or adjust anything about them nor do they roll at all in their unmodified state. I have the latest version for 1.0.5 and its in the correct game data folder. What could be wrong?
  2. Mods such as Adjustable Landing Gear or SpaceY do not allow me to change the settings of individual parts. The textures for the fuel tanks of SpaceY are also glitchy and every texture overlaps at once. I am also having issues where mods such as KAS show the parts, like a winch, but no GUI is available for me to control it. And HullCameraVDS also does not let me use the cameras. They are shown in the parts list but they do not work. Why is it not working? I am on Windows 10 so I know that can cause issues but I think I have seen other Windows 10 users use the mods. (I have the recent module manager update and FSfuelswitch in my gamedata folder) Thanks
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