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Posts posted by Giacomo

  1. Hi there!

    I'm having problems whilst in the sph and vab with items snapping together. The item won't snap on normally, and sometimes snaps on inside of another object. Separators and docking ports don't work either. I can't build rockets! :( Is this a bug and what should I do to fix it?

    Here's the link to the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ksx87w4aq3ueab4/KSP.log?dl=0


  2. 9 hours ago, Reactordrone said:

    It looks like you're trying to leave too early. It's hard to tell exactly from that image but it appears that you have Kerbin almost 90° away from Duna and they need to be much closer. I've always found that if Kerbin is at the 6 o'clock position (the Sun being the centre of the dial) that you'll need Duna to be around the 4.30 - 5 o'clock position. That should give you a reasonably close approach at the apoapsis of your transfer orbit and with Duna, it's better to go late rather than early since you'll arive ahead of Duna and you can easily slow your arrival time to get an intercept by pushing your apoapsis a little higher than Duna's orbit.


    10 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

    Looks like the near approach markers are trolling you. First off, delete those maneuver nodes. Then, slow down a TINY bit so your DN as perfectly intersects Duna's orbit as is reasonable. That should snap your ship's marker near that location. Duna's will be somewhere else entirely.

    Then put a single maneuver node just beyond your ship's marker, which should mean that it's just beyond your DN marker. Your ship's marker will remain still but Duna's will move.

    Right click that maneuver node, and you'll get a circle with 3 buttons, a X button and 2 buttons at the bottom, one of which is greyed out. Click the one that is not greyed out. Duna will move again. Click it a few times and you'll see Duna's marker moving in a predictable way. This button is sending your maneuver node forward in time one orbit per click, so you don't want to do too many of these (Preferably, zero. That's why we use transfer windows) but the farther away Duna's node is, the more expensive it will be to fix it.

    Now, go back to your maneuver node and make it fire prograde. This will also move the Duna encounter marker, more smoothly. Watch how it affects Duna's location on your next pass.

    Using those two ways to move Duna's next encounter marker, find a future orbit where you can plop a reasonably inexpensive maneuver node in a decent time (you define these things based on your rocket and personal desire for promptness) that will actually get you a Duna encounter.

    (I should really make a video of this)

    Thanks! I will try adjusting my orbit like 5thHorseman said. If that doesn't work, and for future missions, I will try what Reactordrone said.

    Thanks for your help! :D


  3. [quote name='Pecan']Congratulations.
    Did you do Minmus first, or just stick to the hard way?[/QUOTE]
    I went to the Mun first. I thought it would be easier, as it is closer.
    [quote name='MartGonzo']Well done Giacomo, cool lander

    it seems your Kerbals are a bit underwhelmed by the experience... or maybe they just didn't to come back.[/QUOTE]
    Thanks! The landers not mine, i got it from a tutorial.
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