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Everything posted by aster26

  1. Hi, I have created a orbital simulator which needs only a modern browser to play. [URL]http://msakuta.github.io/WebGL-Orbiter/orbiter.html[/URL] It's the real solar system instead of Kerbin system. Controls are similar to KSP, but you can't put a maneuver handle on the orbit (yet). Patched conic approximation is incorporated, so you can get to moon or other planets orbit if you're good :) It's even playable with a smartphone to some extent, except rotation control. Not sure even if it's a fan work, but I couldn't find a better place to post. How do you think? Source: [URL]https://github.com/msakuta/WebGL-Orbiter[/URL] Screenshots: [IMG]https://github.com/msakuta/WebGL-Orbiter/raw/master/screenshots/screenshot1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]https://github.com/msakuta/WebGL-Orbiter/raw/master/screenshots/screenshot2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]https://github.com/msakuta/WebGL-Orbiter/raw/master/screenshots/screenshot3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]https://github.com/msakuta/WebGL-Orbiter/raw/master/screenshots/screenshot4.jpg[/IMG]
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