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  1. [quote name='Beauchot78']I have installed many mods. but not sure which one is creating all the pre-launch smoke. I dont like it, it slows the frame-rate down dramatically.. Does anyone know how to get rid of this? I am new to modding and really not familiar with how all these files work with one another. i thought maybe the hotrockets mod was doing it, but even after removing the files it still does it. -Adam[/QUOTE] it was the collisionFX mod that i had installed. it would create alot of smoke where wheels, engines, or the launch stablitity asist clamps touched the ground. took me forever to figure out that this was the problem... oh well im happy now. cheers
  2. I have installed many mods. but not sure which one is creating all the pre-launch smoke. I dont like it, it slows the frame-rate down dramatically.. Does anyone know how to get rid of this? I am new to modding and really not familiar with how all these files work with one another. i thought maybe the hotrockets mod was doing it, but even after removing the files it still does it. -Adam
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