I have an idea for a mod. Moddeling is not the problem for me, I can use some products from autodesk. But I have no expierience with programming.
I want to make a set of cubic rooms and connectors.
I want to make an UI like the B9 wings have. You can change length in 1 meter steps and wide in 2 meter steps. Select differnt doors and interior layouts. The doors can be opened and closed from inside the ship, so the mod should be ready for advanced IVA solutions.
If someone can make good interior stations, that fit into the rooms, you are able to make very costume room layouts. Finally this should enable you to make space stations with floors and rooms (not the ISS style). I want to use this for an extreme big shuttle with a lot of inside volume.
So I ask for someone, who can explain me, how to make this procedural. I could make all possible models, that could be choosen with a UI. But maybe this is very ressource consuming.
If some of you are interessested in working with me on this mod, contact me.