[quote name='Harry Rhodan'][URL]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76793-1-0-4-ScienceAlert-1-8-9-Experiment-availability-feedback-%28July-13%29?p=2293463&viewfull=1#post2293463[/URL][/QUOTE]
That patch worked, thanks!
[quote name='Geschosskopf']That said, I have also had a problem where the antennae just refused to work, even with adequate battery for the transmission. When I clicked to transmit the data, a message popped up saying "transmission starting" and then nothing else happened. The antenna didn't move, no more messages came up about the progress of the transmission, there was no electric charge consumption. However, the experiment itself was gone. I tried this on several other experiments with the same results. For some reason, I quicksaved at this point, ran into other problems later, and reverted back to this quicksave. When I did that, suddenly the antenna and transmission thing worked fine and all the experiments I'd tried to transmit earlier were queued up and all went off in sequence. So, while there are some intended mechanics that prevent you from transmitting if you don't have enough battery, there's also a bug that mimics that behavior. If you know you've got enough battery, change scenes or reload a recent save and see if that solves the problem.[/QUOTE]
This a more detailed story of how things went down for me. I made a new save altogether and at first seemed to fix it, until I came back to the older save and it was somehow fixed.
[quote name='Geschosskopf'][COLOR=#333333]On another note, a welcome change to antennae in 1.05 is that you CAN finally queue up transmissions.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
You can do that now? Thanks! Good to know.