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Everything posted by Cochise17

  1. Hi! How do Iget the Rotating Hub to move? I tried attaching it on the spindle, but it doesn't move.
  2. Good idea! The KSP.exe has the contract button bug. When I use the KSP_x64 everything works fine. I can also launch the game using Launcher in my directory - and everything is in working order.
  3. Finally - I solved it! I tried restarting my pc (laptop). Didn't help. Installed CKAN. Didn't help either. Tried reinstalling MechJeb 2 after checking which version I had downloaded, thinking maybe this was a version made before the last KSP update. I'm using last version MJ2. No joy. I then copied my save files, and opened Steam to reinstall KSP. In Steam I found that I have two possibilities when launching the game: The standard Launch game procedure, or -by pressing RMB I was able to choose the "Launch KSP (64-bit)". So, by launching the 64-bit version of the game everything works! Yey! Happy Kerbal here! Thanks for the help, guys!
  4. Thank you for answering, bewing. Yes, I mean the button to display the contracts. This is what I see on my screen during a mission: I even started a new Career to see if anything changed. It didn't.
  5. Hi! I installed the latest version of the game today. Had to delete the old Mechjeb 2 folder, and reinstalled it (the mod didn't work until I reinstalled it). Now the button which shows what missions I'm working on is missing. Was the button removed in the last update, or did I press a button without knowing which conseals it? On the last version, I could choose (accept) a mission, and then go to Vehicle Assembly Building. Here I could see what the mission was, and build my rocket accordingly. I could also see the mission button ingame (during a mission).
  6. Thank you for some excellent answers! I followed the advices given, and got it up in the air in no time. The CoM/CoL relationship was way off. I appreciate the help!
  7. I run v.1.05.1028 (unmodded) via Steam. I'm on science level 45, I think (I've unlocked science worth 45 xp). For the next line of science I will need 90 xp (science points) (not opened yet). I'm trying to build a plane, but can't for the life of me get it off the runway. Yes, I know, I don't have enough engine power. I only have the J-20 Juno Basic Jet Engine unlocked (plus Small Circular Intake and Mk-1 Liquid Fuel Tank). I tried with three engines on my plane, to no avail. Do I need to unlock more science to get off the ground? Or am I going at it the wrong way. Love the game, but I'm still a newbie :rolleyes: Cochise
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