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Posts posted by BlackMoons

  1. 18 hours ago, Tonas1997 said:

    I'm building a RSS/RO modpack that includes KSPI-E and it seems to work fine (from what I could gather with dV numbers from the VAB and ProceduralParts/SSTU tankage).

    However, there seems to be an exception: the thermal turbojet doesn't have any listed fuels and, consequently, can't be used. "Current propellant" appears blank, ISP numbers and whatnot are set to 0, and clicking on "next propellant" does nothing. I found a reddit thread which suggested any engine problems would, most likely, be caused by an interaction with SolverEngines, which is required by RO.

    Can anyone else confirm this and? And in the event the bug is caused by SolverEngines, how can I keep Interstellar from being affected by SE via a MM patch?


    KSPI has some... interesting tech inter-dependencies that are not shown by KSP.

    Try getting the 550 science 'High performance fuel systems', as it unlocks using oxidizer+fuel for the nuclear engines for example, and all the other fuel types for nuclear engines. I suspect it might unlock other fuel types for thermal turbojet too.

    Also, I seem to recall a few years ago when I played KSPI, that the thermal nozzles where not very happy till they got the first performance upgrade from (160) Supersonic Flight. May have been fixed.

    Maybe also double check if an upgrade to the thermal turbojet so it can use oxidizers (high efficiency nuclear propulsion) and High performance fuel systems fixes anything.


    <edit> Opps nevermind I just saw you tried it in sandbox mode.

  2. Timberwind engine seems to never cool down in orbit once it reaches overheating state? watching it it takes like 10 seconds for it drop 0.001% overheating state in space with a dozen large radiator panels attached.

    Lots of cooling seems to help keep it from overheating (reactor temp going up, loses max output thrust/power) but seems completely ineffective at cooling it down once reactor temp goes up.

    Also does it seem right that power convected from one is 2MW when power radiated is 0.04KW? (when in the atmo). Career mode with none of the thermal upgrade techs.

    Tried flying the same ship in sandbox, the rads radiated 100KW in orbit instead of 0.04KW. I can understand the upgrades improved them but I think 0.04KW vs 100KW is just a few magnitudes too much. They don't seem to actually heat up at all in my career save (Rad temp stays bone cold)


    Still took forever for the engine to stop being overheated however (like 0.001% per second with the upgraded cooling tech in sandbox), and the rate stayed the same even under timewarp (ie, still 0.001% per real time second, so using timewarp to skip a few days in game will NOT cool the engines). This is with the built in generator set to off so it wouldn't produce any further heat.

    Droping the ship back into the atmosphere seems to near instantly fix overheated state (5% overheat per second vs 0.001% per second in orbit), suggesting to me that convection values on those rads are crazy high and the radiation values are crazy low. I know radiation sucks but a factor of 5000?

    PLEASE allow timewarp to be used to cool reactors off.

    <edit> after updating KSPI, the insanely high convection dissipation of rads has gone down to normal levels, but now neither can cool off a timberwind effectively once it overheats.


    Also, adding 2 of the large graphite folding rads (in sandbox, so max tech) still couldn't put a dent in a timberwinds overheat. I did notice you get a pretty long burn time before it overheats severely but just the built in generator being on can slowly build up overheat in regular time (But not so much in warp). Definitely could be an issue for someone who uses IRSU.


    Might have something to do with the fact it starts to overheat at 2000 out of 400,000 waste heat, or 0.5% capacity. Don't rads output depend on waste heat level?

  3. My biggest problem with thermal power is the fact that if you leave a receiver on and accidentally let waste heat build up, there is really no good way to get rid of it in a (real world time) hurry.

    due to the way waste heat scales up during timewarp, using timewarp does not seem to increase how fast you get rid of heat in real world time at all, so it takes minutes of just leaving KSP to run on its own to get heat levels down.

    Having a receiver reception scale based on desired throttle would be awesome.

  4. 17 hours ago, Khalkion said:

    Oh.. I see. So the main purpose for antimatter reactors now are propulsion on charged particles and other direct propulsion? Ok, I will try.

    Yea, that or just yaknow, the fact your still getting obscene amounts of power outta a light 2.5m format. And since the engine only throttles to 5%, your not using a ton of antimatter.

    Even at 5% its still the highest power to weight ratio engine.

  5. 7 hours ago, Khalkion said:

    Shall charge particle converters adapt to power generation of attached reactor like thermal ones? Because right now it seems they don't... Or are they capped now? 2.5 antimatter reactor produces about 683 GW of charged particles and charged particle direct converter takes only 30.8 GW. And I have no sucess in attaching or making to work more than one per reactor.

    By the way, WarpPlugin/Parts/FuelTank/AntimatterTanks1/AntimatterTank125  (Electrostatic Antimatter Containment Device) still has cost = 1319283500.  It's pretty much :)

    For whatever reason, dev has decided that antimatter reactors can only throttle up to 5% for use as energy generation. Likely to prevent them from being crazy OP and instead just 'kinda OP'

  6. Started a brand new career (KSPI, cheated in science+money and researched all techs required to built antimatter production science lab facility, still 0.0023% efficiency when sandbox mode has 1%

    Researching 'Ultra high energy physics' boosts that to 0.0115%

    Researched entire rest of tech tree to no effect.

    Really bummed at career mode only getting 1/100th the antimatter production it should have..

  7. I found this while exploring my save file

            name = PartUpgradeManager
            scene = 6, 5, 7
                    MoltenSaltReactorUpgradeA = True
                    ThermalEnergyConverterUpgradeA = True
                    MoltenSaltReactorUpgradeB = True
                    LantrUpgradeA = True
                    NuclearRamjetUpgradeA = True
                    KspiNuclearJetUpgradeA = True
                    ThermalEnergyConverterUpgradeB = True
                    InertialConfinementFusionUpgradeA = True
                    MagneticConfinementFusionUpgradeA = True
                    VistaUpgradeA = True
                    VistaUpgradeC = True
                    RectennaVisibleLightUpgrade = True
                    RectennaInfraredUpgrade = True
                    ComputerCoreResearch = True
                    ScienceLabUpgradeA = True
                    InertialConfinementFusionUpgradeB = True
                    MagneticConfinementFusionUpgradeB = True
                    TriAlphaFusionUpgradeA = True
                    MagneticConfinementFusionUpgradeC = True
                    TriAlphaFusionUpgradeB = True
                    DirectEnergyConverterUpgradeA = True
                    PhasedArrayHighPowerElectricalSystems = True
                    DiodeLaserArrayScientificOutposts = True
                    FreeElectronLaserScientificOutposts = True
                    ScienceLabUpgradeC = True
                    DiodeLaserArrayAppliedHighEnergyPhysics = True
                    FreeElectronLaserAppliedHighEnergyPhysics = True

    Might the issue with my antimatter production efficiency be due to missing ScienceLabUpgradeB?

    I also appear to be missing VistaUpgradeB

    <edit> adding ScienceLabUpgradeB did nothing.

    Cheated some science and bought a ton of extra science and got it up to 0.0115% efficiency.. Why is it so much lower then what it should be? (1%?)


  8. 22 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

    Unfortunately, I cannot alter it in any way. The best help I can offer is advice to rotate the ship until they catch light sometimes work, after they will track the sun correctly

    Yea, Sadly it seems like its side angle that causes it, ie the angle they don't track things on. about 30+ degrees off center and they often self block.

  9. 1 hour ago, Khalkion said:

    Did anyone get to make solar powerplants work? I have several problems.

    1. Circular Recievers, all 3 of them, are blocked by themselves when I try to use them as solar panels. I think they have wrong definitions for "up" and "down", but I'm not sure. Also Thermophotovoltaic and Rectenna don't remember correct animation and always return to retracted animation (switch scenes/vessels).

    2. Blanket Photovoltaic Solar Power Reciever have max temperature of 1100 K. So it's not practical to use for solar power plant, right? and there must be some other role for it, but this reciever looks exactly like big photovoltaic solar panel... Other things from KSPI-E that are capable of solar power have higher max temperature.

    3. Stock solar panels are patched by KSPI-E, so they can generate megajoules, but something wrong with them...Multiple panels have different power output, and can't reach equlibrium. And transmitter doesn't like them, its power demand fluctuates and doesn't reach all available supply, also in KSPI helper I see something like 200-300 MW demand, while Diode Laser in PAM shows only 9.7 MW wall to beam power and neither numer is correct ( at least for me, when I see almost no wasteheat and 3.8 theoretical supply)



    I have also noticed the circular solar receivers like to block themselves at various angles to the sun that look like they should work fine. I think the 'raycast' check point needs to be moved or something.

  10. 48 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

    The amount of power is realy the amount of power needed for the that kind of performance  and not some decimal mistake. It is stock and other mods that give the wrong idea you can generate kilo newton from a few kilowatt. In reality the Dawn Ion engine thrust is just 90 mili newton, not killo newton!. Please let that sink in fist. In this regard, an electric engine producing 24 kilo netwon, which is about 266 times as powerful is actually very powerful for an electric engine.

    Well  the RCS Arcjet and Resistojet work both in power or unpower mode, the difference will be the effective Isp. Unpowered it perforce similar to a regular RCS. When sufficiently powered, it can perform twise (resistojet) or quaduple(arcjet) as good. It will switch automatically between powered and unpowered mod. The difference can be heard in the pitch.

    Good point, I will adres that

    Sure, but its not very consistent with your other engines that produce 5~20KN per MW since the last update. These produce 0.3KN~ per MW. I guess with some supercapacitors (havent really been using those yet since thus far solar panels and nuclear generators had so many MJ there was no point, seems things have less MJ in the current update and supercapacitors have much more use now)


    5 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

    Wait a second, are you running in NF mode? I just realized, the is no powerMultiplier applied to the RCS engine, which means they require a lot more power then they should

    No, while I have NF electrics installed for the batteries/capacitors, I removed its nuclear engines and the KSPI patch that downscales everything to NF electrics levels, because I like the KSPI engines much better and didn't want other engines muddling things up.

  11. 2 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:


    Yes at more than 2 mach the ram jet will noticably start to produce more thrust and can continue to speed up. The ramjet will noticably perfotm better on ssto reaching high speed in the atmosphere before flyinh into space. Turbojet is better at give high speed acceleration but will perform less at higher speeds.

    Ah ok. Good balance then I like that. Also noticed the turbojet has no stack node under it, so I guess harder to stage a turbojet powered craft then a ramjet powered craft.

  12. 'OBEK-500 Blanket Photovoltaic array' is twice as heavy, twice as costly, half the receive area, produces 20% less EC then 'Blanket Photovoltaic Solar Power receiver' unlocked at same tech node.

    'Blanket Photovoltaic Solar Power receiver' also appears in 'Advanced beam power' and 'Advanced photovoltaic materials' (though might be due to me updating my game after buying it there and you moving it)



  13. Is there some reason Arcjet and resistorjet RCS require 70MW+ in operation on methane for 24KN of thrust? And won't work on liquids only gases?

    That seems a little excessive for 24KN of manuvering thrust when the same amount of power could give me a few 1000KN of thrust on basically any other engine..

    Sure you didn't misplace a decimal? The only kinda ship that would have that power to mass would be a warp ship.

    Basically not worth using if I needed 100MW+ of power to use a couple of them continuously and have to keep a large supply of gases since if I ran out during docking.. that'd be bad. Especially considering nothing that produces power/etc on your ship is going to be efficient it seems like it would be simple to find some waste heat to gasify any cyrogenic liquids as needed.

    Also very weird that the inline arcjets come with liquid tanks but can't even use the liquid in those tanks.

    (Screenshot taken with inf fuel+inf electricity on, since otherwise my electricity would run out nearly instantly as that ship 'only' has a 3.75m trialpha reactor)


  14. Why would one use the thermal ramjet over the thermal turbojet?

    They both seem to perform the same functions, but the thermal turbojet gets 2x the thrust from the same input power (in atmospheric mode, tested up to 300m/s or so..), same ISP (given a thermal receivers 3300k core temp), and the thermal turbojet works from a standstill where the thermal ramjet needs high speed.

    Does the thermal ramjet produce more thrust above a certain speed then the thermal turbojet?

  15. 14 minutes ago, Khalkion said:

    Real current ISP is always written in Part Action Menu (right click on th engine).

    Not in the VAB for the ATTILA thruster as my screenshot shows. and that makes it much harder to design as I have to make a ship with a dozen fuels to figure out what one is decent. (Methane seems pretty good, high ISP+thrust.. ammonia also seemed OKish. Xenon had pathetic ISP but 2x thrust..)

  16. ISP of all fuels for ATTILA thruster listed as 0, really hard to tell what the true ISP is in flight since it varies hugely from one gas to another (like 2000+ for hydrogen but only 400 for xenon at sea level..). Also no listing for xenon but xenon is a selectable fuel.

    Also, the part description says max 20MW, but the VAB description says max 10,000MW?



    Also, Shielded Multiwavelength Diode laser transmitter does not respect its 'Power capacity' Although maybe that is just for receivers. (Wall power can exceed power capacity)

  17. Just now, mrgreco said:

    ok got it


    Also, try the magnatized target fusion reactor with the Thermal launch nozzle. Its got a GREAT thrust to weight ratio when fully upgraded and will work in the atmosphere.

    All the other reactors have different requirements. Make sure to add a thermal electric generator to the other side of the reactor to keep it powered! Or try a molten salt reactor, it does not need any power to run (But low TWR and ISP, good for a test rig though to make sure stuff works)

  18. 5 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

    Crap I now see CRP on spacedock isn't properly update

    Please install the latest version of CRP from GitHub


    K thanks, Was not sure if you moved those resources elsewhere or just packed up the wrong version.

    you might wanna pack up a new release before other people start flooding in with related bugs to this.

    Just now, mrgreco said:

    i understand but its everything in the intersteller exstended, but stock parts work fine


    Yes but KSPI has the wrong version of that other mod (CRP), so it won't work at all till you get the update he posted, if you downloaded KSPI recently. (15.07)


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