nice one phil, i would appreciate a craft. file and the mods requirements, but nonetheless it looks awesome and inregards for my aircraft, ive attached 3 pics of it, one of them shows the RCS system from C7 Studiosâ„¢ used for the VTOL because stock RCS isnt powerful enough. the design is pretty basic, but yeah, its a start . so, a quick tutorial for using the RCS system (for those new to the game). launch the craft with full throttle (the engine wouldnt able to lift the aircraft otherwise). fly to your destination (i recommend turning on the SAS for a smooth ride). when you are about 2 miles form the LZ, turn the engine to 1/4 throttle. 1 mile from the LZ, cut your engine, turn your RCS on and use your retro thrusters (N key on the keyboard). hopefully, you\'ll stop when you reach your LZ. then turn off the SAS for a controlled decent. now comes the tricky part. to manually control the RCS use the JKIL keys as the ASWD for RCS. also. use the H key for forward RCS and the N key for the retro RCS. descent slowly to the ground, control you descend with the K key for a stable vertical speed. and use the J and L key to counter horizontal speed. master all of this and you\'ll be on your way to land on the ground. dont forget to keep a watch at your RCS fuel level because this aircraft only have 3 tanks. thats it then, feel free download and edit my craft (for better or worse) and most important of all, Have fun!