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Everything posted by Wiggy

  1. [quote name='ostrich']Why do you need two engines? Also, conventional aircraft do use parachutes. EDIT: are biplanes and triplanes allowed?[/QUOTE] 1) You may have a [I]maximum[/I] of two rear-mounted engines. 2) Almost all don't have retardant parachutes for landings (except the space shuttle, which is classed as a 'lifting body' anyway) 3) I am not allowing extra wings simply because: A. You can add more control surfaces that comply with the rules, and this seems 'cheaty'. B. Most modern conventional aircraft are not biplanes or triplanes, and the space-age look of parts clashes with a multi-winged design (I'm sorry, yes I am like that).
  2. Think outside the box. I did it when I crashed two aircraft I was trying (and failing) to dock in the atmosphere. Remember there is no altitude limit, so you can give yourself plenty of room to pull out of a dive or spin (or both) as I did (...not first time).
  3. [U][B]Premise:[/B][/U] Build and take off a conventional aircraft. Via impact, destroy the wing on one side, before landing safely at the island airstrip. [U][B]Rules:[/B][/U] [I]The Aircraft - [/I] Your aircraft [COLOR=#ff0000]must[/COLOR] have a maximum of two rear jet engines or four under-slung jet engines on the wings, as the sole means of propulsion. (no rockets please). Your aircraft [COLOR=#ff0000]must[/COLOR] have two discernible, full wings (no stubby winglets please), that are symmetrical. These wings [COLOR=#ff0000]must[/COLOR] be widest at the point they meet the fuselage (unless the wing is the same width throughout). Your aircraft [COLOR=#ff0000]must[/COLOR] have no parachutes of any kind to assist in landing; this is a conventional aircraft. Your aircraft [COLOR=#ff0000]must[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]not[/COLOR] have any SAS/ASAS/RCS modules (flaps on wings and capsule torque only please). Your aircraft [COLOR=#ff0000]must not[/COLOR] have excessive (or 'spammed') control surfaces; the aircraft must look conventional. Your aircraft [COLOR=#ff0000]must not[/COLOR] have a seat as the command pod. Your aircraft [COLOR=#ff0000]must be[/COLOR] made of stock parts. [COLOR=#ff8c00]/exception[/COLOR] - decals or flags on the aircraft are permitted [I]The Wing separation -[/I] The separated wing [COLOR=#ff0000]must[/COLOR] be lost via an impact in-flight, e.g. a building (or the ground if you are MLG like that). The wing does not have to be completely destroyed, but it [COLOR=#ff0000]must not[/COLOR] be connected in any way to the aircraft after impact. The rest of the aircraft [COLOR=#ff0000]must[/COLOR] remain intact after impact. [I]The Landing -[/I] The landing [COLOR=#ff0000]must[/COLOR] be the first after taking off. The landing [COLOR=#ff0000]must [/COLOR]be on the island runway (no water landing before taxiing to the runway please). The aircraft[COLOR=#ff0000] must[/COLOR] be discernible after landing, with a fuselage, engine/s and wing. You [COLOR=#ff0000]must[/COLOR] be able to vacate your pod and walk away from the aircraft after landing. [I][U][B]Bonus points![/B][/U][/I] [COLOR=#008000]No air-brakes No SAS usage No landing gear Sweet flips[/COLOR]
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