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Everything posted by Ulfstein

  1. Playing on moderate, this is what got me into low orbit. It consists of two radial Hammers, a reliant with 4 tones of fuel, and a swivel with 2 tones of fuel. dV= 4462. If you dont have these you may not be quite ready. to calculate dV, its dv=lsp(engine)*9,81*ln(mass fueled/mass emptied) do this for all stages to get the sum delta V. Until you get good at launching, I'd say shoot for a delta V above 4000. I also like to send them unmanned with the basic probe head so i don't waste kerbal lives and know how the thing will fly without SAS, but thats my personal preference. Most NASA flights were rehearsed and simulated unmanned before sending people up. [URL="http://s411.photobucket.com/user/Aidan_Hodge/media/2015-11-26%2008_45_27-Greenshot_zpsqd0ulspn.jpg.html"] [/URL][URL="http://s411.photobucket.com/user/Aidan_Hodge/media/2015-11-26%2008_46_38-Greenshot_zpsgmgljasl.jpg.html"][IMG]http://i411.photobucket.com/albums/pp193/Aidan_Hodge/2015-11-26%2008_46_38-Greenshot_zpsgmgljasl.jpg[/IMG][/URL] This is my high orbitor after upgrading the launch pad. if you need money do ferrying missions. dV=4270 [URL="http://s411.photobucket.com/user/Aidan_Hodge/media/2015-11-26%2008_46_20-Greenshot_zpsm0w8davl.jpg.html"][IMG]http://i411.photobucket.com/albums/pp193/Aidan_Hodge/2015-11-26%2008_46_20-Greenshot_zpsm0w8davl.jpg[/IMG][/URL] This is the same design, but with the next tier fuel tanks and the Terrier engine. Notice the dV jumps to 6520. This was enough delta V to send probes and orbiting satalites around the moon and minmus and satalite missions have reaped in tonnes of cash. not quite enough for a lunar landing though. [URL="http://s411.photobucket.com/user/Aidan_Hodge/media/2015-11-26%2008_46_04-Greenshot_zpse2h5ibje.jpg.html"][IMG]http://i411.photobucket.com/albums/pp193/Aidan_Hodge/2015-11-26%2008_46_04-Greenshot_zpse2h5ibje.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  2. If you put the heatshield on the nose of the cone instead of under it, the shield plus the cone immediately after it creates enough drag to brake efficiently, but it looks less realistic.
  3. If you put the heat shield on the nose instead of below the mk1 capsule, it along with the cone after it creates enough drag to produce aerial braking, but if you put it on the bottom of capsule or stack, it just plummets like a rock.
  4. Put fins on the second stage as well will help with the fliping
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