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  1. [quote name='SchweinAero']Let's try again. [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/49216-0-23-Persistent-Trails-record-share-and-replay-track-data!-%28Dec-19-V1-1"]Persistent Trails[/URL] is what I was looking for.[/QUOTE] Hi thank you for the fast replies Ok , as it seems - when going into detail it is more complicated (reference to which planet etc.) so I think there will be no such solution, but at the end it would be nice to have some graphical summary instead of only the text wondow. Still I will try the mentioned plug in. thank you Marius
  2. Hi I have done some search for such possibility, but could not find anything similar, so perhaps somebody has an idea: What I would like to do, is after a succesful rocket mission, to review the performed flight with the possibility to see the flight path on the mapscreen. Example: I have done my mun flight and orbiting and would like to see this on the map screen - I have KSP since few weeks- so yes for me the mUn is already a big success (in science mode). This would be also helpful, when disussing solutions with friends. I would be thankful if sombedy knows if there is such possibility to review mission history with the saved track? thank you Marius
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