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Everything posted by Jedilucas

  1. Nah, Windows 10 here, and everything's formatted correctly for me, in Notepad, Notepad++, Atom, and MATLAB. I've seen this happen before though with other mods when you download them, try using different editors, sometimes I've had to use Atom because downloaded text files sometimes don't format correctly (maybe something to do with compressing it to a zip?). Should still work though, it's just not displaying correctly in your text editor.
  2. I'm new to most of this but I took a look in his source code and did a little bit of testing, and it looks like all that the .dll file does is add asterisks to the end of the report names so that the game actually randomly picks one instead of always taking the first one. I tested it by going into the .cfg and adding asterisks onto the end of all of one type of report (crew report from the launchpad) and removed the plugin, and it correctly randomly chose a report, otherwise you always get the same one. I'm going to work on writing a quick program that will go through and add asterisks to all the lines across all the .cfg files and I'd be happy to share. (Btw this would make it 100% compatible with any KSP version as long as the biome location names don't change) Edit: Looks like my janky MATLAB script worked Just tested a few different scenarios and all of them were giving different custom science messages, with no need for the plugin or anything but ModuleManager! Seeing as how giving you all this change would basically mean uploading the entire mod minus a few parts, I'm not 100% sure if I'm allowed to post it, but here's the fixed mod, plug and play!
  3. Well you might want to pick it up again because Blue Origin just used it to land the Blue Shepard back from space under its own thrust (SpaceX style).
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