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Everything posted by Gerky

  1. [quote name='Starhawk']Hello Gerky, and welcome to the forum! As far as rescue missions go, you don't need to dock. The stranded kerbal will be in some kind of pod and when you get the rescue ship close (<500 m) and zero your relative velocity, you change to the stranded kerbal's vessel by pressing ] and then EVA the kerbal and use the jetpack to fly the kerbal over to the rescue ship. Hope this helps. If you need further assistance, head over to the [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/15-Gameplay-Questions-and-Tutorials"]Gameplay Questions and Tutorials[/URL] section for more help. Happy landings![/QUOTE] Thank you so much!
  2. Hey Everyone! got this game 4 days ago and I can't stop playing, so i figured i'd check out the forums and make an account. Super glad i did! not only does the community seem awesome, and the developers seem awesome and super active! I'm extremely excited about how positive my kerbal experience is going so far, and just wanted to share, :wink: So far I've made: -Some nice and easy to control Inner and Outer Atmosphere Rockets -3 Rockets capable of orbit and landing, One Science Orientated, One For Solo, and one for Group missions. -2 low altitude jets, super easy to fly, one for Solo and one for Group activity In career I'm at the point where i gotta save kerbils from orbit which seems super intense, but the trial and error with this has been hilarious, I did the docking tutorial, but i don't know if the kerbils I gotta save have a ship in orbit, or there just stranded haha. So i guess i'm asking for tips on docking and saving kerbils, and suggestions on what to do next! i was thinken working on getting a satellite up, and maybe starting a space station, but should i have other goals?
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