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  1. Have been busy with school and all since break ended and haven't played KSP in a while so.. Sending Kariner 1 to Duna Red planet has been spotted Did a burn to lower the periapsis and saw I had an encounter with Ike.. But I thought "nah the United Kerbal Nations needs to continue onward to Duna!" Now time to survey some landing sights for future rovers
  2. Your launches always look fantastic. What fairings did you use for the Icarus class lifter?
  3. Created another Duna 2 Orbiter and Lander and actually got the lander on the ground this time, yay Also mastered asparagus staging, which needless to say, did help me with fuel
  4. Got this probe into Duna orbit. The mission/design of it was originally based off the Mars 2 Orbiter and Lander. This Duna orbiter here had a lander attached to the top, but since I'm new to interplanetary travel and the characteristics of Duna, I didnt account for the weak atmosphere of Duna and the lander crashed
  5. I must try this out. Never really played career mode before
  6. Made a probe to map Eve and Gilly. So far I've gotten a satellite and lander to Eve Transferring to Eve: Eve spotted: Scanning Eve, next stop to Gilly!
  7. I got the same problem, anyone know how to remove the asteroids? I uninstalled Kopernicus.
  8. Was trying to build a NASA Lunar module with lander from the Apollo program and accidentally created an Orion spacecraft replica...
  9. Mohoho 1 departing Kerbin Arrived at Moho. Just in time for Christmas too!
  10. Also made my first interplanetary craft. I present to you Mohoho 1. Includes kickback SRB's, mainsail engine and the dawn electric propulsion system. Going into orbit: Circularizing: In orbit around Kerbin: Now just gotta wait 200 days to start transferring to Moho.
  11. Built a new subassembly to get to the Mun (Not sure if it can support an actual lander) Quick flyby past the Mun Return to Kerbin
  12. Made this: Now if it only had lasers...
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