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Number R09

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Everything posted by Number R09

  1. Well done all involved in this update! I can't wait to throw my money at the upcoming DLC. Bravo, mucho impress.
  2. No, what you are doing is using your moderator privileges so you cannot be silenced. That's the other side to your coin. As far as it not being about your feelings personally, fine, you've made your point. So have others, but they have the self restraint to not repeat it over and over and over and over across 25 pages. As for ignoring you the old fashioned way, sure. My pleasure. You personally may take credit for my leaving of the forums. goodbye
  3. If you're going to complain, which you welcome to do, would you do so under a personal account please. I am unable to silence your tears because of your mod status. Talk about an unprofessional conflict of interest.. Maybe @SQUAD could do something about that.
  4. Thanks SQUAD for this thread. I was hoping to read about all the extra bug hunting and such, but all of a sudden this thread turned into Entitlement Fest 2016. You are due a two-fold thanks: (1) thank you for giving us this opportunity to help the community, and (2) thank you for this opportunity to let childish users let themselves be known so they may be added with ruthless efficiency to my IU List. Looking forward to the opt-in. :thumbsup:
  5. Soo.. aerobraking enough to land vertically at a safe speed. If you are lithobraking vertically for zero seconds, we call that type of lithobrake, landed. Otherwise, skidding across the ground, by wheels or other means, to lose the last amount of horizontal movement after impact would be lithobraking.
  6. My personal rule that is rarely broken, the mission must go as planned. Any failure or mishap, burn too much dV on maneuvers, etc., Revert to SPH/VAB/Launch and try again.
  7. Thank you for the welcomes. The 502 errors kept me from adding more, or even returning to the forum last evening. Glad to see everything is running smoothly, at least on my end. Interesting POIs Recently broke 500 hours (logged on Steam) Just getting into space plane modeling Aprox 40 mods installed through CKAN, including but not limited to: KER, KIS, KAX, KAS, BDA, Aviation Lights Favorite KSP YouTubers, again not limited to: Scott Manley, TAPE Gaming, TheBeardyPenguin, Agonarch Recently remembered for the first time to stage my chute separate from the SRB on the first rocket in Career Mode when in the VAB Running a 64 bit WIN10 machine with an i3@3.6GHz with 6GB ram and 2GB Video
  8. Greetings to all. Been lurking since KSP 1.0 and playing since 1.0. My son got me into the game earlier this year and KSP has certainly been a worthy purchase. With the new forum update, I figured it was time to register. Thanks for the great community, -wR
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