FTL is also rather tough to beat in a hurry. As I heard it described once: "It's a bit like climbing a ladder. And then halfway up the ladder, someone punches you in the groin and you have to start over". That being said, it's still a tremendously fun and unique game, and reminds me of old pencil-and-paper starship RPGs I used to play with my friends back whenever. The game's atmosphere is fantastic, and you get surprisingly attached to the going-ons of your little starship crew as they hightail it from sector to sector. Terraria, on the other hand, gives you more variation with its gameplay. I went into it expecting a Minecraft clone, and got a notably different experience. Much more to do there than first meets the eye. It lies somewhere between sandbox builder and side-scrolling adventure. Given these two, though their very different games, I would probably recommend Terraria, especially if you have a friend or two to play with.