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Everything posted by Klaus_4

  1. Whenever I download a mod, only certain components come through, sometimes only one. I might be using 64-bit but when I change the option on the launcher to run 32-bit there seems to be no difference. So far though, this has only really affected part-packs that come with a mod (except for kerbal galaxy 2 which broke my game completely), other types of mod look and work ok. For instance, when I got cryogenic engines, the engines didn't show up but the interstellar fuel switch did work. If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this I would be really grateful.
  2. Hi, I made a mod that have a resource with negative density but when I filled a ship with it, it stood still. I tried rockets, RCS, explosions, decouplers and always got same result: static. So I want to know if anyone knows if negative density parts or resources can't work or if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks for any help as I need all the info I can get on this issue.
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