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Everything posted by Nemeko

  1. I am excited with the improved graphics and new science sistem
  2. Es una buena solución, yo le agregaría unos Clamp-o-tron Jr. para poder acoplarlos y que no haya desviación mientras lanzo el tercer o incluso un cuarto satélite. Otra solución, que yo he aplicado es usar los 3 satelites de telecomunicaciones pequeños con una Commutron DTS-M1, un 4to con una orbita mucho mas grande casi al limite del SOI de Kerbin con todas las antenas de discos gigantes y un 5to igual al 4 ( con todas las antenas gigantes ) pero a 90º de este ultimo de esta manera siempre tengo cobertura por alguno de los 2
  3. I think this mod have meshes for scatter objects: But i would like interactives rocks to colect (With the KIS module maybe) and convert in cience. I thought if is posible spawn mini asteroids in the surface, if the scatter objects of the planets are not compatible whit this. And there are not drain performance of puting 5 to 10 objects in the surface (i believe)
  4. I also like the idea, i will follow this, hope you can make it happen
  5. I like the idea of replace the inside of an octocore with fuel
  6. A suggestion that I would like to see, would be an antenna to transmit data over long distances and limit the omni in the core a few kilometers, that way you could use the lander as a repeater, or put the large antenna and collect data when you leave the place Something like this: And the rover, rovers are always welcome
  7. something like this ? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/123402-tutorial-soft-docking-docking-ports/&page=1
  8. what about an standard basic rover already assembled i mean with the tires and chairs and you finish it with whatever you want or need for example battery, lights, toolbox, experiments, antenna, etc. having your standard rover permits you make a rover for your specific mission and don't waste time putting the tires, chairs and batteries personally i prefer smaller rovers, USI is to big
  9. This are discussed some time ago http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72635-very-wip-syndics-geologyrocks-mod/&page=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2jq4od/kerbal_rock_collector/ animations http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126976-things-that-never-made-it-to-the-gamethings-that-were-added-later/#comment-2307896 And with the physic part you can appreciate in this video that physics appear very near the object when the object is landed from minute 14:20 (it supposed that reduce the lag when you are landing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3V6COGcLW4 I'm try to make a mod myself for this but is very complicated (for my) and i'm learning things about moding very slow
  10. Yes!, i am in the ''people who answered all questions correctly'' list so is a win for my Congrats to the winners
  11. Excellent work guys! And i wonder if is it possible make at least 1 container to put experiments compatible with universal storage, like dmagic do with his experiments ? Edit: I just realised that universal storage have at least 1 container for kis so pretend i didn't say nothing here!
  12. Probably too late, but if is possible consider a variant of the octocore in which we have a fuel tank instead of the tunnel (giving extra dv) because i think most of the time is used in the bottom of the capsule with a heat shield in the middle so kerbals don't pass through it, and it would be a nice add to use it for the empty space that represents the tunnel in some cases.
  13. that part will be probably my standar engine for all my crafts
  14. Hi, i have similar problems because i hold shift an press A for 3 seconds by accident and i didn't realize, this make a little torque by default in sas, I suppose is used to compensate unbalanced ships anyway i didn't know this function so many ships end uncontrollables and kill kerbals so you can check it or use this to compensate the torque.
  15. I use this: Tac life suport Dmagic Science KW roquetry Space Y MechJeb Chatterer Docking Port Alignment KIS Remotech Scansat
  16. Hola, esta versión de mechjeb es para la 1.0.5 así que te tendría que servir: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220221-mechjeb
  17. Hola !! Yo tenia el mismo problema en steam de que no se actualizaba y lo solucione descargando de nuevo el juego, copie las partidas guardadas para que no se borren y las pegue en la carpeta nueva, a veces algunos mods tienen un verificador de version que hace saltar un cartel para actualizar el mod al principio en la carga del juego, pero siguen funcionando Espero te sirva saludos !!!
  18. When i was a kid i always liked the spaces things, so when i discover KSP (around 0.20) i was very surprised that this was the game i ever wanted, since that i never leave the game. So thank you very much squad for making the perfect game.
  19. In any case it can be done by a mod, we just need the mechanics of scattering and collection samples first, i think
  20. I'm totally support this, is necessary for interplanetary tranfers and i support the precision improvement, but not the imput with numbers there is a mod for that, also i hope this fix the problem of taking the wrong icon (prograde, retrograde, etc) in some situations (becose of the camera angle)
  21. Using rockets for fun, that's cheating, cheater !!!;-)!!!!
  22. Hello from Argentina to everybody, my first post here !!. As a fan of space things this is the perfect game for my, now i can't imagine without KSP in my computer so i take this to thanks the developers for make the best game ever and the moders for make it even better !!!
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