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    Over-engineering Designer
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    Somewhere among the planes of existence
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  1. Ok, I removed all other stuff other than the Squad folder in the Gamedata folder, and loaded the game. Instead of deteriorating 'smoothly', the periapsis of my orbit is fluctuating by a few meters to a few dozen. I can't think of any mods that might cause this though. I will put back KER, ModuleManager and StowedWheelFix just to see if any of them are the culprit. Edit: I forgot to add, I pressed Alt-X but nothing changes.
  2. I've used hyperedit back in 0.25 before, but I usually edit the config files and abuse the debug menu if I'm up to cheating now. Side note, I'm still at 1.1.3. Current internet conditions only permit me to do forum and reddit stuff, which are highly text related. (10KBps) Will do the remove all mods then test method. BTW my orbital drift compensation setting is enabled.
  3. I haven't been here for ages, so forgive me if I've putted this into the wrong part of the forums. Let me get started. So I had a mission to Minmus. When I've putted my vessel into orbit, or to be more precise around ~100km circular orbit, I left it there. I went out for a while, and when I got back my periapsis is below the surface already. Lucky me I did a quicksave before being AFK, so I quickloaded and checked the readouts from KER. Appareantly I'm decelerating by 0.01m/s^2. What could be the cause for this? Clipped parts, maybe? I have a lot of them in the vessel. As for mods, here are the ones I use: ModuleManger (duh) KER (again, duh) Kerbal Alarm Clock StowedWheelFix (it's just .cfg, I doubt it will do much harm) BetterBurnTime and a two graphic mods: PlanetShine and Distant Object Enhancement Please help, I have not loaded my vessel till now in fear of wasting delta-v.
  4. I can't seem to find an version that supports 0.25 on curse. I wanted to try the old version of KSP, so I also downloaded a bunch mods for it, which including KAS. Would appreciate it if there's an version that supports 0.25 (KAS can, it will be a surprise if KIS can't)
  5. Downloaded KER, despite my tortoise internet. Also, my lander is too heavy for just five spikes to lift it, any ideas?
  6. Ok; I just found out that there are questions and topics. Quite the silly me. I appreciate the help given, by your guys. I'm currently working on decreasing the weight of my return lander, which is taking a lot of time. Here is the link to the new topic forum: Help on a Eve Return Lander design PS: Cookies for all of you. PPS: I feel stupid answering my own question. Logic.
  7. Ok, I'm designing a Return Lander that is capable of both landing and return from Eve, and after stupidly posted a question type forum (whatever it's called) (and got help from fellow fliers) I decided to just make a new topic type (again, whatever it's called) forum, to ask for help from you guys. I took some advice from said fliers (if that is a proper title) and currently decreasing the mass of my ship (which testing is troublesome but luckily I have the almighty HyperEdit). Again, I appreciate the help given by the guys who gave advice and help in my previous question typ- whatever! Here is the link if you also have the same trouble and wanted to see more advice: My Previous QTF (Question Type Forum) PS: Does anyone knows a TWR calculator around here? PPS: Cookies and snacks for everyone here.
  8. I wanted to build an Eve Lander capable on returning to orbit on its own. But the Mainsails on the bottom of the first ascent stage is too tall for my landing legs. I'm still bad at designing structural parts of my crafts, and would appreciate any help given. P.S.: I'm new to the forum so I don't know many features of it. Will try to upload an picture of it when I know how to. (And perfecting the lander?)
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